The Postdoctoral Program “Social Sciences and Humanities in a Post-Crisis Period” is offered in two modules.
This program is designed to advance the academic and professional careers of Ph.D. holders through collaboration with experienced research advisers and participation in multidisciplinary and international research groups together with other post-doctoral fellows.
The language of the program is either English or Spanish.
Every selected fellow will deal with a specific societal challenge through attending lectures, courses, and scientific conferences while leaving time for guided research.
The ESI postdoctoral program facilitates the process of academic mobility. Each candidate would be part of a research visit in Spain, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Georgia, India, Ecuador, Hungary, or China at one of the partner Universities. During the research visit, the candidate will participate in the ESI annual conference, working group meetings, workshops and may deliver guest lectures at the host University.
In times full of challenges with the post-COVID-19 pandemic, the world, more than ever, needs further academic advancement. The selected fellows will work on selected topics in the area of social sciences and humanities (Pedagogy, economics, education, law, sociology, philosophy, psychology, history, geography, political science, health care, tourism, music, anthropology, and related fields and their subdomains).
D` Annunzio University Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Sam Houston State University, USA
University of Catania, Italy
European Scientific Institute, ESI, Macedonia
University of Saint Joseph, Macau
University Chieti Pescara, Italy
University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Fayetville State University, USA
University of York, UK
Missouri University of Science and Tecnology, USA
"Academic Writing and Academic Publishing"
European Scientific Institute, ESI
"Research Integrity"
Reflections on quality of life: The academic life path
Prof. Karl Atkin
University of York, UK
"A practical guide on how to write a good book? "
Dr. Sabrina P. Ramet
Research Integrity: Latest concerns and challenges
Missouri University of Sscience and Technology, USA
Sam Houston State University, USA
Dr. Jamshed Bharucha
Dr. Massimo di Giannantonio, "G. d'Annunzio" University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Topic: CovId 19 Pandemic: How many correlated psychopathologies?
Dr. Brian Sloboda University of Maryland, USA American Statistical Association
Dr. Jamshed Bharucha
Dr. Massimo di Giannantonio, "G. d'Annunzio" University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Topic: CovId 19 Pandemic: How many correlated psychopathologies?
The Research and Methods section and its importance. Statistical insights
Dr. Brian Sloboda University of Maryland, USA American Statistical Association
“An Academic Career: Some Things I Have Learned Along the Way”
by Dr. Daniel B. Hier, Emeritus Professor at University of Illinois and Professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.
by Dr. Carlos Azcoitia, Emeritus Professor at National Louis University, USA
Dr. Robert McGee & Dr. Jovan Shopovski
Dr. Ana Pineda, University of Alicante, Spain
“Mindful Scientific Writing”
Dr. Mathias Grunke
University of Cologne, Germany
Dr. Michael Shaughnessy
Eastern New Mexico University, USA
“Communicating Science, Statistics and Scholarship”.
Dr. Jeffrey Loeb
John S. Garvin Endowed Chair of Neurology and Rehabilitation, The University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
“An Academic Career: Some Things I Have Learned Along the Way”
by Dr. Daniel B. Hier, Emeritus Professor at University of Illinois and Professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.
by Dr. Carlos Azcoitia, Emeritus Professor at National Louis University, USA
Dr. Robert McGee & Dr. Jovan Shopovski
Dr. Ana Pineda, University of Alicante, Spain
“Mindful Scientific Writing”
Dr. Mathias Grunke
University of Cologne, Germany
Dr. Michael Shaughnessy
Eastern New Mexico University, USA
“Communicating Science, Statistics and Scholarship”.
Dr. Jeffrey Loeb
John S. Garvin Endowed Chair of Neurology and Rehabilitation, The University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Visita de investigación:
10 days in Spain, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, Latvia, India, Georgia, Hungary, or China. The University of La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain), University of Catania (Italy), D’Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara (Italy), Roma Tre University, (Italy), Daugavpils University (Latvia), AMBIS University (Czech Republic), College of Economics and Computer Science (WSEI), Krakow, Poland, Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, (China), SRM University (SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai), India, India, SRM University, Andra Pradesh, India, Grigol Robakidze University, Georgia, Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary, Simon Bolivar University, Ecuador.
Áreas Académicas:
Pedagogy, economics, education, law, sociology, philosophy, psychology, history, geography, political science, health care, tourism, music, anthropology, and related fields and their subdomains…
The program duration is 12 months and consists of
three (3) parts. The program activities are online except for the
10 days research visit at one of the Host Universities.
During the 1st part, the candidate will have meetings with the
research group selected by the organizer. Meetings with the
research adviser(s) will also be held online. During this part, a
short course on good research practices and academic writing
will be organized, where researchers will share their knowledge
and discuss the recent developments in the area of academic
publishing. The candidate will also attend the ESI masterclasses
delivered by the ESI network of experts.
el primer semestre 2nd part, the candidate will work on data mining through surveys or/and interviews in order to provide a dataset for the research. The candidate may also become part of the organizing committees of the ESI academic conference or forum. During this part, the candidate visits the Host University and will organize in-person meetings with the research advisor and the working group. If more candidates are working on the same or similar topic at the same Host University, they may decide to organize a workshop/roundtable. In agreement with the research advisor, during the research visit, the candidate may deliver a guest lecture(s) for the students at the Host University.
In the 3 rd part, the candidate is involved in writing the working paper with the research advisor and the joint paper with the working group. The process is followed by discussion in the research group, the program group of experts, and guidance by the research adviser(s). During the last part of the program, the candidate presents the final version of the paper at online or in- person conference(s) and submits the paper for publication to selected journal(s). The candidate can decide where to submit the paper for publication.
The European Scientific Institute, ESI, is in charge of the full logistics and communication with the applicants and candidates during the program.
The ESI will provide an adequate group of experts in various fields who will not only deliver their lectures for the program`s purposes but will also be available for advice and opinions.
The organizer shall provide free participation of the candidates to the suggested list of international academic conferences and workshops.
The organizer shall suggest open-access academic journals for
publication of the academic output of each candidate.
Con el acuerdo de las Universidades Anfitrionas, el organizador proporcionará el acceso a las bibliotecas y bases de datos.
Junto con el director del programa de la Universidad Anfitriona, el organizador proporcionará la información necesaria y ayudará al candidato con los documentos para la solicitud de la visa (en caso de ser requerido).
El asesor de investigación es un Profesor en uno de los Departamentos de las Universidades Anfitrionas o un miembro del grupo de expertos del ESI. El asesor académico monitorea las actividades académicas del candidato al dar recomendaciones sobre los métodos de investigación y preparación del documento de trabajo. Él o ella podrá también participar en las actividades de investigación y ser incluído como coautor de la producción académica del candidato.
The Host University and the Organizer of the program, taking into consideration the research topic and the availability of the researchers at a given moment, select the research adviser(s) for each candidate.
El Organizador también podrá sugerir al candidato cooperar con otros asesores de investigación.
A certificate for successful completion of the ESI postdoctoral training “Social Sciences and Humanities in a Post-Crisis Period” will be awarded to the candidate after the completion of all 3 parts of the program.
The certificate will be issued by the European Scientific Institute.
Depending on the host University, some certificates will also contain the host university stamp and logo and the certificate will be issued jointly. However, in any case, the host university will issue a confirmation for the research stay and academic activities of the candidate.
– Additional documents, which describe the concrete academic activities of the candidate will be issued.
– Examples of certificates that are already issued >>>
In the past 13 years, the European Scientific Institute, ESI, has created a wide network of experts from different universities worldwide covering various academic domains. For the purpose of the program, every month, ESI will invite an experienced Professor who will deliver an online lecture on a cutting-edge topic. The program aims to invite scholars who address topical issues from a multi or interdisciplinary perspective. The aim of these lectures is to promote intellectual curiosity about the various ways we can study human societies. Hence, speakers are not expected to directly talk about the topics of any particular candidate, but they should be a source of inspiration and widen one’s intellectual horizons.
ESI research groups are organized on a multidisciplinary basis to bring together Fellows from different disciplines working on a similar range of societal challenges. The groups will meet regularly during the duration of the training. The regular meetings of the groups will consist of presentations of the work in progress and the discussion of more general research issues, such as the reading of key or recent works related to the group’s theme. The ESI working groups are chaired by ESI-affiliated experts in appropriate fields.
Each year, the program hosts one major conference. Until now, the conferences have been organized at the University of La Laguna, Spain, Simón Bolívar University, Ecuador, and the University of Catania, Italy.
The focus of this conference is on meetings with other ESI fellows and presentations of research activities in front of a wider audience
A compulsory part of the training for every candidate is creating a Working paper. The working paper should be in the format of a scientific article or a book chapter. It should be prepared and ready for submission. This working paper will be posted at one of the Host University repositories or in a preprint repository and ready to be submitted for publication. However, when a candidate is not motivated to make the content public, he/she should contact the organizer of the program explaining the reasons for the exception.
All of the program participants are introduced to the ESI Code of Conduct and are familiar with its content. The Code of Conduct applies to all people involved in the ESI Postdoctoral Program including Postdoctoral Candidates, research advisors, WG members, WG chairs, and program directors. The ESI Code of Conduct is available >>> here.
El candidato estará adscrito a uno de los Departamentos de la Universidad Anfitriona. Dependiendo del tema aceptado y la disponibilidad del equipo académico, la Universidad Anfitriona sugerirá uno o dos investigadores que trabajarán de cerca con el candidato a lo largo del programa.
The candidate will complete a research visit at one of the Host Universities within a period of 10 days. The research visit will be organized in line with the COVID-19 protocols.
Previo acuerdo mutuo, se le podría ofrecer al candidato dar ponencias para los estudiantes de la Institución Anfitriona. Sin embargo, la Institución Anfitriona no está obligada a hacer ningún pago al candidato por sus actividades académicas.
*Each accepted candidate who will choose the University of Saint Joseph, SRM University (SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai), Grigol Robakidze University, or SRM University, Andra Pradesh, as his/her Host University will be offered free accommodation in a single room at the University Campus.
The candidates who will be affiliated with the University of Saint Joseph (Macao) will also be offered reduced prices for meals at the university canteen. The approximate costs for meals for a 10-days stay are 150 EUR in total.
University of La Laguna
Pabellón de Gobierno, C/ Padre Herrera s/n Apartado Postal 456 38200,
San Cristóbal de La Laguna Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
European Scientific Institute, ESI
European Scientific Institute, ESI
Ph.D. in Teacher Education and ICT in Education at Extremadura University (Spain). M.A in Philosophy & M.A. in Educational Technology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Bachelor in Philosophy and Pedagogy at El Salvador University (Argentina). Jorge Balladares currently works at “Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar” in (Quito, Ecuador). His research interest: ICT for Education, Educational Technology, E-learning, B-learning, Digital Ethics, Social Philosophy.
Research Topic:
” Estudio de las interacciones en la enseñanza virtual y el aprendizaje digital a través del modelo de Comunidad de Indagación: estudio de caso de universidad en Ecuador”.
Host University: University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Dr. David Prez Jorge, University of La Laguna, Spain
Doc. Ing. Alžbeta Kiráľová, Ph.D. has graduated in tourism economics and began her career in tourism (travel agency, hotel). After graduation, she worked as a lecturer and later as a Head of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality at the Matej Bel University in Slovakia. In addition, she habilitated in the field of cross-sectional economics with a focus on marketing tourism destinations.
Later she held top management positions in marketing in Slovakia and the Czech Republic in multinational corporations focusing on services. She subsequently continued her career as Vice-Rector for Science, Research, and International Relations (Institute of Hospitality in Prague) and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and External Relations at the University College of Business in Prague. Currently, she holds the position of Vice-Rector for International Affairs at the AMBIS University in Prague.
Doc. Kiráľová has given lectures at the University of Economics in Prague, at the University of New York in Prague, at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, and the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
In the United States, she was given lectures as a visiting professor at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina, and Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Doc. Kiráľová has completed internships and studies in Bulgaria, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey, and the USA.
She represents AMBIS University in international organizations and networks such as UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization), ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research), where she is the coordinator for Europe, NECSTouR (Network of European Regions for Competitive and Sustainable Tourism) where she is a member of the Academic Board, WTN (World Tourism Network), and in the University Network for Cultural Routes Studies by EICR (European Institute of Cultural Routes).
Dr. Kiráľová works as an expert for the EASME COSME and Erasmus + EACEA, EAPAA, VEGA (Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences), TAČR (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic), and Silverlight expert. At the same time, she is actively involved in research projects in the Czech Republic and abroad, focusing on tourism destination marketing and management, food tourism, and regional development. She is the author of the books Marketing Hotel Services (Ekopress), Marketing Tourism Destination (Ekopress), Globalization Impact on Tourism Destination Marketing (Ekopress), and editor of the book Driving Tourism through Creative Destinations and Activities (IGI Global). Author and co-author of numerous journal articles, academic papers, and studies.
Doc. Kiráľová regularly presents the results of her scientific work at international conferences. She is the author of research papers, monographic series, books, and articles indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. She is a member of international conferences’ scientific and program boards and the editorial boards of journals indexed in WoS
Dr. Przemysław Stac holds a Economics in the field of Management Science (Cracow University of Economics), and a master’s degree in American Studies (American Studies Center, University of Warsaw).
He is an academician with over 20 years of experience in teaching and scholarly research. Authored over 30 scholarly papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Currently, he has a permanent teaching position at the College of Economics and Computer Science in Cracow, Poland, where has also been Vice-rector for International Cooperation and Development since 2018.
His past academic responsibilities included Head of Marketing Department, Assistant Dean (acting Dean), Head of Postgraduate Studies, Head of International Cooperation Office, Organization-wide quality coordinator.
He worked for many institutions of higher education institutions in Poland and abroad. Lectured in Germany, Denmark, Kazakhstan. and the UAE.
Outside academia, he has been an active management consultant with a consulting company specializing in improvement and turnaround projects in mostly healthcare, chemical, IT industries., His field of expertise is change and performance management, and organization design and behavior. He has been involved in consulting projects in healthcare, IT, chemical, pharmaceutical, HoReCa, R&D, and automotive industries.
Ana Paula Mota (born in São Tomé e Príncipe) Portuguese and Santomean nationality, Manager of International Relations at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) in Macao S.A.R. – China. Before this position, she served as the Director of Public and International Relations Office at USJ and Officer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Macau and administrative coordinator of the Erasmus+ and Jean Monnet Chair Programme. She has remarkable experience in the International Mobility Programmes. She has also work experience in other industries, e.g. Corporate Diplomatic Entity, International Organisation, Multinational Group and Investment Sector.
She holds a degree in European Studies and the curricular part of Master in Intercultural Relations at the Open University of Portugal. She has more than twenty years of work experience in Higher Education Institutions in Macao, S.A.R. (Public and Private Institutions). She is a native speaker of Portuguese, fluent speaker of English, French and Dialects of São Tomé e Príncipe
Álvaro Barbosa (Angola, 1970) is a Full-Professor of Communication and Media and a Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Research at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) in Macau S.A.R.-China.
Prior to this position, he served for 6 Years as Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries at USJ and 12 years as head of the Sound and Image Department at the School of Arts from the Portuguese
Catholic University (UCP-Porto). In 1995 He was awarded a Graduate Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering by the University of Aveiro in Portugal, in 2006 he got his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Digital Communication from the University Pompeu Fabra in Spain, and in 2011 he concluded a Post-Doc in Computer Music and Acoustics at Stanford University in the USA.
Dr. Amandeep Singh holds a Doctorate in Management specializing in Marketing. He holds more than 18 years of teaching experience. His main area of research is Consumer Sciences and Business Innovations. Currently, he is working as Professor and Dean Marketing Programs at Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University Punjab, India. He has published 60 research papers in various journals and conferences which are indexed in Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. He has edited more than 15 books published by IGI Global, De Gruyter, Wiley and Nova Science Publishers.
Research Topic:
Customer Evaluation of Bundled Telecom Services in India
Host University:
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:/
Aynura Rashidova is a social specialist of World Bank Employment Support Project in Azerbaijan. She is a Philosophy doctor in Sociology. She is a winner of Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program and did her master’s in public health in Belgium. Co-founder and member of board of directors of Public Association for Women’s development, education and empowerment. She works at Azerbaijan University and Baku State University as a teacher since 2002. Professional trainer and coach on activities and policies related to social, gender sensitivity, women empowerment, professional growth issues.
The sphere of her activities is social work, public health and scientific research in social sciences. As an expert she has been involved in many international projects. Author of over 20 scientific articles and member of the dissertation committee at Baku State University.
Research Topic:
Influencing factors of entrepreneurial growth of women.
Host University:
AMBIS University, Czech Republic
Research Advisor: Dr.Liana Daher, University of Catania, Italy
I am Dr. Jatin Sarmah, working as Professor in Department of Biotechnology and Rector, Bodoland University, Assam, India ( Currently; my lab is involved with research on human genetic disorders including haemoglobinopathy and enzymopathy; drug discovery and endocrinology with funding from different funding agencies of Government of India. I welcome International research collaborators involved in same area of research. Till now, I have published more than 75 research articles in international peer reviewed scopus/web of science indexed journals. Learning new tools and techniques in my research area is my passion.
Travelling, yoga, outdoor games and adventure sports are my hobby.
Research Topic:
Study on the quality of life of Sickle Cell Disease children among the population of North East India and intervention adopting the model developed by AIEOP, Italy.
Host University:
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor: Dr.Concetta de Pasquale, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Jonida Balla has been a lecturer in the Department of Education and Health at the Faculty of Movement Sciences at the Sports University of Tirana since 2012. In 2008, she completed her bachelor’s studies in biology, and in 2010, she completed her master’s degree in molecular biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Tirana. In 2021, she earned the degree of “Doctor” in Biotechnology. From 2010 to 2019, she worked as an application and sales specialist for laboratory products. During these years, she has gained experience in the registration of medical equipment, in tendering and sales, and has been certified for the training of medical staff for the use and maintenance of biochemical-clinical autoanalyzers.
Research Topic:
Physical activity level and its role in adolescent self-esteem.
Host University:
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor: Dr.Valentina Percivalle, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Kebede Geneti Feyissa, an Ethiopian scholar, holds a PhD in Public Management and Policy from Addis Ababa University. With extensive experience in public service and academia, he currently serves as an instructor at the Ethiopian Civil Service University. Dr. Feyissa has led training and research initiatives focused on public sector reform, capacity building, and leadership within the Oromia Regional State. He has also delivered numerous trainings on transformational leadership and public service delivery to federal and regional institutions across Ethiopia.
Research Topic: A Multimethod Evaluation of Gender Justice Policy Performance, Challenges and Prospects in Ethiopia: Acomparative analysis of Federal , Regional and local government levels.
Online module.
Research Advisor: Dr. Arlinda Ymeraj, Luarasi University, Albania
Dr. Liza Sharmin is a Professor of the Department of English and the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) at Daffodil International University, Bangladesh. She has dedicatedly taught Literature, Linguistics, ELT, and ESP for over two decades. She is one of the handful of scholars who earned their PhD in the field of ESP in Bangladesh. Her research interests encompass ESP, syllabus design, materials development, ELT, technology-integrated teaching, equity in education, and teacher education. She has published widely on ESP, Education, ELT, and Literature in books and renowned national and international journals.
Research Topic:
Enhancing Quality Education: Implementation of Andragogy for Engaging Learners of the Tertiary Level.
Host University:
Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, China
Research Advisor: /
I started my career by working as a technical translator at Continental AG, then had a translation traineeship at the European Parliament. These two experiences helped me put into practice the skills I acquired during my studies – I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Translation Studies and a Master’s Degree in German Culture in the European Context. After the traineeship, I have kept working in the translation industry, this time as a project manager, for several companies. In the meantime, I carried on with my studies and have recently obtained a PhD in Philology.
Research Topic:
AI vs human translation. Translators’, clients’ and translation agencies’ perspectives.
Host University:
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor: Dr.Paola Leotta, University of Catania, Italy
Psychologist, psychotherapist and researcher at the Transplant Center of the University Hospital of Catania, Italy. My research interests mainly concern the psychological aspects of organ transplantation: attachment, parental bond, psychopathology and quality of life, as risk and protective factors of therapeutic adherence. Another important research topic concerns the psychological aspects of living donation: identify any risk factors or psychological contraindications to donation, investigate the awareness and motivations of the donor-recipient couple, know the type of family relationships and dynamics, with particular attention to the quality of the donor-recipient relationship.
I believe it is essential to work in a multidisciplinary perspective.
Research Topic:
Parental Bonding, Adult Attachment, Psychopathological Symptoms and Treatment adherence as Protective – and Risk-Factors in Kidney Transplant Recipients.
Online module.
Research Advisor: /
Don Martin, Youngstown State University, USA
Magy Martin, Walden University, Minneapolis, USA
Dr. Mario Chauca is Fellow member at IEOM Society, winner of the “Global Engineering Education Award, 2021” of the IEOM, IFEES vice president, AOTS-Peru director; he has participated as a speaker, author, adviser, member of the technical committee, organizer, and session chair in conferences, with proceedings indexed in Scopus, WoS, and journals. scholarship Japan (AOTS) and Korea (NIPA). Researcher and advisor for the first prize work at CONEIMERA 2018. First place at INTERCON and CONEIMERA, he teaches at the graduate and undergraduate levels, with 33 years of experience. He graduated as an electronic engineer with a master’s and a doctorate.
Research Topic:
Spaced repetitions of active activity and disruptive strategies in engineering education focused on the publication of articles.
Host University:
University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Dr.David Perez, University of La Laguna, Spain
Dr.Carlos Mora, University of La Laguna, Spain
Dr. Muhammad Imran is working as a researcher in the Education Research Lab at Prince Sultan University and an Adjunct Professor at Khazar University, Azerbaijan. He completed his PhD in English Language and Literature from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He has over ten years of teaching and research experience in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Azerbaijan, and the USA. He has published over 50 research articles in Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals. Moreover, he is the editor of International Review Literary Studies and an associate editor for PloS One (Q1) and Sage Open (Q1) journals. His research expertise includes English language teaching, AI and language education, ChatGPT and academic writing, digital literacy, educational technologies, literary criticism, and critical discourse analysis.
Research Topic:
Language Education in the Artificial Intelligence Era: Preparing Grounds for Future Learning and Teaching
Host University:
Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, China
Research Advisor: Dr.Jana Ho, University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China
Dr. Nermin Siphocly was born in Cairo, Egypt. She obtained her B.Sc. , M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees with specialization in Computer Science from Ain Shams University in 2008, 2013 and 2021 respectively. In 2023, she was the advisor of the NEXUS student club. She supervised the “Social Informatics Workshop” club event. Dr. Nermin also has a considerable research experience. She participated in collaborative research projects between her university and industrial companies. In addition to her M.Sc. and Ph.D thesis, she has a growing list of published papers. Dr. Nermin received an International Publication Award from Ain Shams University in 2022.
Research Topic:
Intelligent Energy Conservation: A Smart Monitoring System for Optimizing Electricity Consumption.
Online module.
Research Advisor: Dr.Omar Dominguez Ramirez, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico
I hold a PhD in Philology and Linguistics—Historical Anthroponymy. My research subject focuses on the consolidation of the official system of Romanian family names. I confidently follow the research perspective I acquired from my professors, namely, the attempt to approach linguistic phenomena holistically, as well as the necessary diachronic analysis. Furthermore, I am interested in Computational Linguistics, Pedagogy, and the study of languages and communication systems.
We must have a bright outlook on life and great courage to build what is good and necessary in the world.
Research Topic:
The use of the denominative system in communication during online schooling in the pandemic period.
Host University:
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor: Dr.Loredana Pavone, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Rafidah Abd Karim is a senior lecturer at Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Technology MARA (UiTM), MALAYSIA. She obtained her PhD in TESL which specialized in Mobile Language Learning from Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), Malaysia. Her area of study is TESL; digital mind mapping; mobile learning; artificial intelligence; educational technology; women and indigenous studies. She serves an editorial board, and she is also an active reviewer for more than 10 international journals. She has published more than 60 publications in both national and international levels. She has received and conducted several research grant projects at national levels. She has given more than 40 presentations and invited talks including guest speakers, plenary speakers and keynote speakers. She is also an inventor of multiple innovative products, and she was awarded for more than 50 awards in national and international innovation competitions. She received the Open Education System Individual Fellowship from Anadolu University, Turkey (September-November 2023). She served as a guest lecturer at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Indonesia and Anadolu University, Turkey.
Research Topic:
Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Academic Field.
Host University:
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor: Dr.Claudia Cantale, University of Catania, Italy
Robert Kalima is a Centre Manager at the Centre of Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) at Mzuzu University in Malawi. He has previously worked as the Student Support Services Manager at CODeL. He has also worked as a lecturer in Instructional Media and Technology at Domasi College of Education in Malawi after serving as a secondary school teacher. Robert Kalima’s research interest is in distance education particularly in pedagogy in nontraditional settings including distance education.
Research Topic:
Leveraging the affordances of “WhatsApp” in online peer tutoring: Implications for mobile learning pedagogy.
Online module.
Research Advisor: /
Dr. Syed Far Abid Hossain is currently working as an Assistant Professor at BRAC Business School, BRAC University. He has obtained PhD in Management Science from the School of Management (AACSB Accredited), Xi’an Jiaotong University, PRC. He holds an MBA (Management) degree from the University of Sunderland, UK and a BBA (Marketing) degree from Dhaka University. During his PhD, he received the best publication award by the Chinese government. Dr. Abid currently has 65+ publications in SSCI, Scopus, ABDC and EI indexed journals with 2500+ citations. His main research interest is women entrepreneurship, technology, variety seeking & market turbulence.
Research Topic:
Effects of Stereotypical Challenges on Venture Performance: A mixed method analysis on Asian Women CEOs.
Host University:
University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor: Dr. Francisco Flores, University of La Laguna, Spain
Valentina Lucia La Rosa is a postdoc research fellow at the Department of Educational Sciences of the University of Catania. She earned her PhD in 2023, focusing on developmental challenges and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Graduated in Psychology with honors in 2011, she also holds a specialization in psychotherapy and a Master’s in Biostatistics. She is a member of several scientific associations, including the Italian Psychological Associations and the American Psychological Association. Her research interests focus on the perinatal period and the development of adolescents and young adults.
Research Topic:
Analysis of Future Orientation in Adolescence and Youth in a Post-Crisis Period: A Network Analysis and the Development of a New Scale for Assessing Future Concerns During Global Crises.
Host University:
Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, China
Research Advisor: /
Dr. Iliana Valiullina holds two Ph.D. degrees in Law. In 2021 she defended her first Ph.D. thesis in International and European Law at the Kazan Federal University and received a title ‘Candidate of Legal Science’. In 2023 the University of Seville awarded her a title ‘Doctora en Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales’ and an outstanding mark for her Ph.D. defense. Additionally, she completed a Ph.D. thesis in Linguistics at the Institute of RAS in 2022. Dr. Iliana published 4 monographs and more than 37 articles. Previously, she has worked at the University of Maryland, and the Institute for Philosophical Studies. At present Dr. Iliana is a Research Assistant in International Law at the University of Arizona.
Research Topic:
The medical Al, standard of care, and patient safety in tort law of the European Union.
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor: Dr.Agata Polizzi – University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Saima Siddiqui is currently Director and Professor at the Centre for Integrated Mountain Research (CIMR) at the University of the Punjab, Lahore, with extensive experience in geography, remote sensing, and mountain research. She holds a Ph.D. in Earth System Sciences from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, and has published widely in international journals. Dr. Siddiqui is recognized for her work on environmental management, remote sensing, and water resource conservation, and she has received numerous awards, including the Young Geomorphologist Award from the International Association of Geomorphologists and the Giannino Bassetti Foundation Award.
Research Topic: Assessing the Potential Impact of Climate Change on Food Security in Southern Punjab, Pakistan: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies.
Online module.
Research Advisor:/
Doctor of Social Sciences. A graduate of the University of Warsaw and post-graduate studies- Executive Master of Business Administration MBA, Master of Laws (LL.M.)/Collegium Humanum. She has many years of experience in implementing innovative research and training projects. She specializes in creating a safety culture in governmental and commercial flight organizations.
Research Topic: Don’t avoid the travel: it is easy and safety with us.
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor: Dr.Emanuele Coco, University of Catania, Italy
Research Topic:
Collective action of social movements and logic of protest
Research Advisor:
Prof. Josué Gutiérrez Barroso, University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University:
University of La Laguna
Research Topic:
African Mobility and (conceptual) Pastoralism in the 21st Century warfare
Research Advisor:
Dr. Andrej Semenov, University of Pristina-Kosovska Mitrovica
Host University:
Research Topic:
Human rights of migration after the covid-19 pandemic. How change the protection of them?
Research Advisor:
_Prof. Veronica Papa, University of Catania, Italy
Host University:
University of Catania
Research Topic:
“Evaluation of the impact of cyber addiction on academic performance, health and well-being in university students in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador”.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Christian Jaramillo, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador
Host University:
Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador
Research Topic:
“Evaluation framework to identify and quantify the level of potential addiction of a software based on its human-machine interaction design characteristics”
Research Advisor:
Dr. Jorge Balladares Burgos, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador
Host University:
Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador
Erum Muzaffar holds a Ph.D. in Pakistan Studies. Her teaching and research career spans 20 years, including 14 years as a researcher in higher education. Her research interests include the environment, feminism, and the Global South. Currently, she has been in charge of the Pakistan Study Centre, Karachi, since December 2020. Dr. Muzaffar is the editor of Pakistan Perspectives, a bi-annual journal published by the Pakistan Study Centre, University of Karachi.
Research Topic: Women Struggle in Pakistan: A Comparative Study of Aurat (Women) and Haya (Modesty) March.
Host University: Simon Bolivar University, Ecuador
Research Advisor: /
Dr. Abrar Hussain Qureshi is currently teaching in Department of English University of Sahiwal Pakistan. He has been a Fulbright post doctoral scholar in University of North Texas USA in 2022-23. He was a doctoral research associate in university of Birmingham UK in 2007 and had been a Post doctoral researcher in CARE University of Birmingham United Kingdom in 2019. He is an ELT professional from University of Oregon USA in 2022. He has also achieved the status of Associate Fellow (AFHEA) in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in Higher Education by Advance Higher Education UK in 2022. He has nearly 24 years of teaching experience at graduate and postgraduate level and over 50 research publications. His research interests are Gender Studies, Corpus and Applied Linguistics.
Research Topic:
Developing Inclusive and Equitable Digital Resources and Promoting Potential Opportunities for Women of Hard Areas in Pakistan
Host University: Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Dr. Annachiara del Prete
University of La Laguna, Spain
Diego Felipe Caicedo recently graduated from the International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies at the National Chung Hsing University, where he received the 2018 Taiwan MOE (Ministry of Education Scholarship). He also earned a Master of Arts in Cultural and Creative Industries from the Taipei National University of the Arts, where he was awarded with the 2015 Taiwan ICDF Scholarship (International Cooperation and Development Found). His research investigates how elements of dark tourism and ecotourism intersect, interact and manifest in multiple tourist geographies using an interdisciplinary theoretical approach that dwells in the environmental humanities, anthropology, tourism studies and cultural studies. Diego is currently conducting research in the Darien jungle (the border of Panama and Colombia), analyzing how migrants that are increasingly crossing this dangerous area to make their way to the United States, problematize human mobility on what he has conceptualized as dark-eco tourism.
Research Topic: Issues on Mobility: Travel and Migration in Historical and Contemporary Dark-Eco Tourism Landscapes
Host University: The University of Saint Joseph, USJ Macao
Research Advisor: /
Dr. Derya Agis is an independent scholar and a volunteer instructor at the University of the People. She was a research associate at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute at Brandeis University. She used to be a visiting scholar there in the summer of 2010. She has a Ph.D. in Italian Language and Literature from Ankara University. She has an M.S. in Social Anthropology from the Middle East Technical University, an M.A. in English Linguistics from Hacettepe University, and a B.A. in Italian Language and Literature. She attended a post-graduate course (Corso di Perfezionamento) on literary translation at the University of Bari. She taught several courses in the Department of Translation and Interpreting at Girne American University in the 2007-2008 academic year. She has written many works on environmental humanities, linguistics, and comparative literature.
Research Topic: : An Ecolinguistic Anthropological Approach To Plants In Romance Languages, Turkish, And English In Literature After The Pandemics
Host University: University Of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Alessandro Lutri, University of Catania, Italy
I’m a Filipino anthropologist and a member of the Dominican Order. I’m affiliated with the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Santo Tomas, Manila and the Department of Anthropology, University of the Philippines Diliman. I hold master’s degrees in theology and anthropology, and doctorate in anthropology. I teach anthropology and phenomenology of religion, area studies-Southeast Asia, world ethnography, psychological anthropology, village community, and anthropological fieldwork methodologies.
A recent academic engagement (out in 2024) is a plenary address to the Conference Mondiale des Institutions Universitaires Catholiques de Philosophie (COMIUCAP). In describing Southeast Asian context through Malay metaphors, the worldview of social movements often occluded by colonial historiography, neocolonial institutions and statecraft, finds ethnographic voice.
Current fieldwork engagements study collective memory through songs during the period of World War II in Cebu, Central Visayas, and among first-generation descendants of Indonesian migrants in Mindanao, southern Philippines.
Research Topic: ‘SIMBAHAYAN’ in the dunia Melayu: an Ethnographic Context for Intercultural Conviviality
Host University: University of St. Joseph, Macao
Research Advisor: /
Lorena Recalde obtained her Ph.D. at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, 2018, where she collaborated in the Web Science and Social Computing research group. She completed her master’s degree in Switzerland, at the University of Fribourg and obtained a master’s in computer science with a mention in Advanced Information Processing, 2014. Her main research topics are Recommender Systems, with a special focus on interest modeling of social networks’ users, Web Mining and Natural Language Processing. In addition to publications in conferences and in three journals Q1, Lorena was invited as a keynote at GEITEC2019, Lima, Peru. She is currently a researcher and full-time undergraduate and master’s degree professor in the Department of Informatics and Computer Science of the National Polytechnic School, Quito, Ecuador.
Research Topic: Content Recommender System for Groups of Researchers: Analyzing Collaboration and Consensus Processes
Host University: College of Economics and Computer Sciences, WSEI, Poland
Research Advisor: Dr. Jan Werewka, WSEI, Krakow
Ruzica Jurcevic is a post-doc researcher at the Department of Pedagogy in Zagreb, Croatia. She graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb in 2019 with a PhD degree in Pedagogy. Her academic background is mostly linked to education policies, global democratic citizenship, and peace education. Initially, she began her career as a pedagogue in several primary and secondary schools. Subsequently, she took on the position of a project manager for ESF and Erasmus+ projects prior to her appointment at the Department of Pedagogy in 2019. She actively participates as a member in various civil society associations. She enjoys hiking and piano playing.
Research Topic: Are Young People Prepared for the Challenges of the Future? A Research on Global Competence of University Students
Host University: University of Saint Joseph, Macau, China.
Research Advisor: /
Dr. Saba Ghayas is working as assistant Professor in department of Psychology, University of Sargodha. She completed her PhD in Psychology from GCU Lahore, Pakistan. She has published more than 80 papers in peer reviewed reputed Journals. Her area of interest comprises of psychometry, developmental psychology and psychology of religion. She is working as reviewer of many well reputed journals and she is editorial board member of many journals for instance BMC Psychology. She is currently working on various issues of climate change in collaboration with foreign scholars.
Research Topic: Interpersonal violence in terms of hot weather: Measurement, Psychometric properties and Cross-cultural validation
An educationist by choice. Saima Aftab has obtained a PhD degree from Foundation University Islamabad. She completed her MS in HRM from Muhammad Ali Jinnah University with a “Very High Distinction” and her MBA (HRM) from the same university with a “Gold Medal.” She has over 15 years of diverse experience of teaching and training in public and private sector organizations in Human Resource Management and Soft Skills Development, respectively. She specializes in teaching, analyzing, and researching people management issues using a people centric approach. The focus of her research is on the broader domains of Leadership, Emotions, Cognitive behaviors, and Organizational development with a proven record of publications in local and international journals of repute. She also has extensive experience in policy making, policy revision and developing performance management systems in organizations.
Research Topic: Leadership in Post Crisis Period
Host University: University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Research Advisor: /
My academic training is primarily related to Public Health Nutrition where my current research aspirations revolve around food security and healthy food systems and food environments, food literacy education, food anthropology, and innovative nutrition education and awareness through Digitech frameworks. I have been working for the last four years as a Senior Lecturer attached to the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, where I mainly engage in teaching, research, and national development. Currently, I’m partnering with several local and international research projects including IFPRI and ACIAR. As a young aspiring researcher, my future professional goal is to be a leader in public health nutrition in Sri Lanka enabling digital innovations and frameworks to evaluate and address public health nutrition challenges in the country. Likewise, my role as an educator is to disseminate my knowledge and expertise to inspire and lead the personal and societal growth of others.
Research Topic: Exploring the Use of Digital Storytelling in Influencing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Primary School-aged Children in Sri Lanka
Host University: University of Saint Joseph, USJ Macao
Research Advisor: /
Dr. Tugrul Günay is a highly experienced professional specializing in green marketing within the tourism and hospitality sector. He is a dedicated researcher with a strong focus on various aspects of sustainability in the tourism industry, particularly in the field of destination marketing.
Ph.D. in Tourism Management, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2021.
MA in Tourism Management, University of Yasar, 2017.
B.A. in Tourism Management, University of Nevsehir Hacı Bektas Veli, 2015.
He currently holds the position of Dean of International Students and Director of International Relations at Cyprus Science University. In addition to his administrative roles, he is actively engaged in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses within the Faculty of Tourism.
Dr. Günay has a robust academic background and a deep-seated passion for research. He has made substantial contributions to the fields of green marketing, interdisciplinary sustainability practices, and destination engagement.
Research Topic: Examining the Relationship Between Extended Theory of Planned Behavior and Revisit Intentions in Green Hotels in the Georgian context.
Host University: Grigol Robakidze University, Georgia
Research Advisor:
Dr. Vakhtang Charaia, Grigol Robakidze University, Georgia
Dr. Yousef Methkal Abd Algani is a lecturer in the Mathematics Department at the Arab Academic College for Education in Israel. In September 2019, he was appointed as the Head of Didactic Instruction in the Mathematics Department at the same college. His research interests encompass Topology and Algorithms in mathematics, and he also has a keen interest in mathematics education, particularly in teacher training programs and for teaching and learning mathematics. Dr. Abd Algani is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. He has actively participated in numerous international conferences and has authored articles in the fields of mathematics and mathematical education.
Research Topic:
Host University: University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Dr. Carlos Efren Morra,
University of La Laguna, Spain
Dr. Beenish Ijaz Butt is serving as a Chairperson of the Department of Social Work, University of Sargodha, did her PhD in Social Policy and Women in Pakistan from the University of Peshawar, Pakistan in 2016 and won the indigenous scholarship of the HEC Batch- V. More than 18 years’ experience in teaching the courses titled Social Policy, Social Problems, Contemporary Social Work and Social Welfare, and Pakistani Society, its needs and Problems at under-graduate, graduate and post-graduate level and has supervised nine MPhil Scholars. Her research interests focus Contemporary Social Work Theory and Practice, Gender and Social Policy and Social Problems of Asian Countries. She currently serves as Professor/ Chairperson, Department of Social Work, University of Sargodha and is a member and convener of several committees and boards, and has authored several research articles and conference papers.
Title of Research Project:
Development of a Community-based Post COVID-19 Intervention for Maternal Health in Rural Punjab, Pakistan
Host University: Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, China
Research Advisor: /
Angelos Kassianos holds the position of Lecturer in Health Psychology at the Department of Nursing of the Cyprus University of Technology. He is also a Visiting Professor at Riga Stradins University, a Visiting Tutor at University of Cambridge and an Honorary Fellow with UCL. He holds a degree in Psychology from Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens, with postgraduate and doctoral studies in Health Psychology at the University of Surrey in the UK. During his PhD, he also worked for 3 months in 2012 as an Intern at the World Health Organization in Geneva. His research interests extend to a range of applications of behavioral sciences in public health using a mixed methodology. His research falls on the development and evaluation of innovative intervention programs using technology, on understanding the determinants of health-related behaviors such as vaccination, breastfeeding, exercise and smoking, adherence to pharmacotherapy and psycho-oncology.
Research Topic: Post-pandemic health inequalities, and behavioral challenges
Host University: University of Catania
Research Advisor: Dr. Concetta De Pasquale, University of Catania
Research Topic: The relationship between ESG score and financial performance in banks before and after COVID-19.
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor: Dr. Monteleone Simona, University of Catania, Italy
He is an Italian research fellow and adjunct professor at the University of Calabria, Italy. He obtained the PhD in Cultural Heritage, at the doctoral school in “Environmental, construction and energy science and engineering”, XXXIV cycle, University of Calabria. Since 2019 he has also been a visiting professor at the Cosenza Theological Institute, affiliated to the Pontifical Faculty of Southern Italy. Graduated from the University of Calabria, in the master’s degree course in archeology with a thesis in history, with a score of 110/110 cum laude, he has published numerous articles in prestigious academic journals. He serves on editorial boards of journals and is a regular contributor to international academic conferences and workshops. He is a member of research groups and of national and international scientific associations that deal with Economic History and the History of Economic Thought.
Research Topic: From Southern Italy to Latin America. A lack of economic development in the 19th century.
Host University: Simon Bolivar University, Ecuador
Research Advisor: Dr. Blanca Fiallos, Simon Bolivar University, Ecuador
PhD in Human Geography from The University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Thesis: Informal Green Infrastructure (IGI) and the pursuit of Sustainable Development in Quito City. Master of International Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University, United States. Economist from the Catholic University of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Professional experience in forex trading, planning, corporate finance, foreign affairs, diplomatic missions, and public administration. Lecturer of research methods, local development, and public policy in both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Researcher on issues of urban sustainability. Areas of interest comprise informal settlements makeshift infrastructure, green infrastructure, informal practices, digital injustice, and transitions to zero carbon in cities of developing countries.
Research Topic: Exploring digital data among the urban socially excluded: a comparative study of Italy and Ecuador
Host University: University of Catania
Research Advisor:
PhD. Género y Diversidad. Sobresaliente Cum Laudem. Doctorado con mención internacional.
Doctora en jurisprudencia y Abogada, por la Universidad estatal de Cuenca.
Docente e investigadora titular, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador (UMET), Sede Machala. Carrera de Derecho.
Coordinadora de la Maestría en Derecho, con mención en derechos constitucionales, humanos y ambientales, UMET, Sede Machala.
Master en políticas de igualdad y prevención de la violencia de género, Universidad de Islas Baleares; Master en derechos fundamentales y libertades Públicas, Universidad Castilla La Mancha. Otros 3 masters juridicos.
Ex becada doctoral, por el consejo de Europa.
Ex becada CSIC, España.
Ex becada del HISTADRUW, Israel.
Ex becada ASDI, Suecia.
Ex becada CURVIC, Universidad de Valencia.
Primer lugar, premio internacional, lucha contra la esclavitud moderna Data Jam 2021, Fundación Pasos libres, IBM, OIT.
Activista social y defensora de los derechos humanos y de la naturaleza.
Research Topic:
DERECHO AL CUIDADO COMO DERECHO HUMANO. El rol del estado diligente en el neoconstitucionalismo.
Host University: University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Lugar de Nacimiento: Zapotlán el grande, Jal.
Formación Académica:
-Especialidad en English for business (Dublín, Irlanda).
-Licenciatura en Pedagogía. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Ciudad de México, México.
Maestría en Ciencias campo Metodología de la ciencia. Padrón de Excelencia CONACYT. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Ciudad de México. México
Doctorado en Ciencias Administrativas. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Ciudad de México. México
Libros arbitrados con capítulos escritos por autores de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, CINVESTAV del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Universidad Veracruzana y Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas en editoriales tan prestigiadas como McGraw-Hill:
Gómez. (2015). Aproximaciones teórico-prácticas para motivar la elección de áreas científico-tecnológicas en México. Bloomington, Indiana, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica: Palibrio. Obtenido de
Research Topic: Education for peace and citizenship/Educación para la paz y la ciudadanía.
Academic and professional activities:
Research Topic: Urban regeneration and automated monitoring adaptation in post pandemic crisis situations
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor: —
He received his grade and his doctorate at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has published several articles and essays on intellectual history and literary criticism. His doctoral dissertation received the LASA Excellence Prize and became the book La forja de una opinion pública. Buenos Aires, 1800-1810, which is open access. Currently, he teaches at Universidad de Navarra Classical, Spanish, and Hispanic American Literature. A complete publications profile can be found at
Research Topic: Graphic Culture and Political Concepts in the Age of Revolutions
Host University: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador
Research Advisor: Dr. Angélica Ordonez Charpentier, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador
Senior lecturer and researcher at the NHL Stenden university of applied sciences. Trained as a professional technocrat in econometric modeling in Indian Economic services. I have extensive experience in the higher education field in the Netherlands. Earned doctoral degree on Causes and consequences of international trade disputes, from global economics and management, at the University of Groningen. The interest fields are international and quantitative economics, International trade, and business, WTO and disputes, and Macroeconomic trade-offs in Environment. Other fields of interest where I conduct sessions are Free Trade and barriers across the globe, Increasing the quotient of culture, growth of regional economies, and alternative models of economic growth.
Research Topic: The theoretical proof of normal characteristics of global public good in the context of multilateral trade institutions.
Host University: Andina Simon Bolivar University, Ecuador
Research Advisor: Dr. Alexis Oviedo, Simon Bolivar University, Ecuador
Silvana Gripshi has graduated the High School of Nursing, Tirana 2002, and Faculty of Natyral Sciences (Aleksandër Xhuvani University, Elbasan). In addition, she has graduated a master’s degree in Nursing Management (Faculty of Nursing, University of Tirana 2010). She holds a PhD diploma in Pedagogy (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana 2022). She has a long working experience in teaching for 20 years, both in pre-university and university education. She has published articles as author and co-author and has participated in international conferences regarding nursing and nursing education.
Research Topic
Analyzing the Teaching Style of Nursing Education in Albania
Host University: University of Catania
Research Advisor: Dr. Agata Polizzi, University of Catania, Italy
Thales Speroni is a Postdoc researcher at CER-M (Migration Study and Research Center), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, with a keen interest in human mobility, transnationalism, digitalization, social protection, and environment. He is also the coordinator of the CLACSO Work Group on South-South Migrations and Borders. Thales is currently leading the organization of an Observatory on Human Mobility in the Context of Environmental and Climate Change.
Thales is also involved in two research projects, DEPART, which aims to develop effective policies for migrants and refugees through Councils and SAT-based policy making processes; and UNDETERRED project, which aims to detect institutional discrimination and racism.
Research Topic: Human Mobility in the Context of Environmental and Climate Change
Host University: USJ – University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China
Research Advisor: Dr. Ansoumane Douty Diakite, University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China
Dr. Yasir Mehmood is currently working as Associate professor within Department of Pharmacy, Riphah International University. He has earned his PhD degree in pharmaceutics from GCUF and MBA in health management from Preston University. He is also certified in good clinical practice, pharmacovigilance and quality management system. Dr. Mehmood numerous scientific publications. He has also participated as co-principal investigator in different clinical trials.
Research Topic: Substandard and Falsified drugs: a serious public health issue in Pakistan during economical and COVID-19 crises.
Host University: Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, China
Research Advisor: Dr. Jacky Ho, Director of Macao Observatory for Social Development, Faculty of Health Sciences, Saint Joseph University (USJ)
Ph.D., (graduated with honors) Master in Law (graduated with honors) and Juris Doctor (graduated with honors) at Faculty of Law, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Winner of the Medal Alfonso Caso given to the best Ph. D. candidate in 2017 granted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Master in International Law: Trade, Investments and Arbitration by the Universities of Heidelberg and Chile (graduated with the note of maximum distinction by the University of Chile).
Lawyer with experience in oil products in the public and private sector in Mexico.
Lecturer and author of two books, chapters in books and academic articles with the research fields of Philosophy of Law and Energy Law.
Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and Candidate to National Researcher by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología in Mexico.
Research Topic: Contributions of Multilateralism to achieve Energy Transition: An approach from a Latin America perspective
Host University: University of la Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Dr. Sadia Malik is an Associate professor within Department of Psychology, University of Sargodha. She received her PhD in Applied Psychology. Her research interests span various topics including psychosocial problems among adolescence, behavioral addiction and occupational health issues. In these areas, she has published numerous papers in distinguished academic journals. She is on the Editorial Boards for a number of journals and regularly contributes to international academic conferences and workshops.
Research Topic:
Behavioral Effects of Technostress on Workers in COVID-19 Pandemic
Host University
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Silvia Platania, University of Catania, Italy
Cinzia Recca is lecturer in Early Modern History at the University of Catania in the Department of Education.
She participated in several masters and teaching activities, as a visiting professor, at the Rey Juan Carlos and Complutense Universities of Madrid. She is member and collaborates in the editorial committees of the Italian society of Early Modernist Historians Sisem and the Italian society SISSd on Eighteenth-century research, she is also a member of the international Royal Studies Network and collaborates with the Royal Studies Journal.
Her main field of research includes the European Enlightenment, especially with regard to court studies and women’s roles. In recent years, she has initiated a demanding research activity focused on the figure of Queen Maria Carolina of Naples through the analysis of unpublished sources (diary and correspondence). She is the author of several articles in national and international scientific journals and books.
Research Topic:
The smallpox in the Mediterranean: a compared study on policy and practice of vaccination (1801-1838)
Host University
University of Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Roberto José González Zalacain, University of Laguna, Spain
Holder of a PhD in Bio-Organic and Analytical Chemistry from the university Sultan Moulay Slimane (Morocco), I am specialized throughout my career in themes related to Natural Resources, the Environment and Health. I worked for nearly 1 years, as a physico-chemical manager, in an analysis and quality control laboratory, before joining the Jean Lorougnon Guédé University (UJLOG) in Daloa (Ivory Coast).
Dynamic and motivated by a desire for continuous improvement, I am looking for opportunities in the professional field and scientific research.
Research Topic:
Phytochemical characterization and valorization of some medicinal plants from the Ivory Coast in the treatment of diabetes and cancer.
Host University
University of Catania, Italy
I am BAGHLI Asmaa, a Full time University lecturer (rank MCA) at the Higher School of Computer Engineering in Sidi Bel Abbés, Algeria. I have a Bachelor Art of Degree in the English Language, particularly (ESP), a Master and a PhD in Educational psychology. I am also a certified English Teacher (CELTA). I have been teaching for 10 years, and an author of three practical books about teaching English for informatics purposes, along with a poetry book entitled “a sense of wonder”. I am deeply interested in researches related to: psychology, education, personal/professional development, ESP teaching / learning, academic writing.
Research Topic:
The Role of Self-esteem in reducing anxiety among non-native English Language Speakers (case study)
Host University:
University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Dr. Eva Ariño Mateo
Dr. Concetta Pirrone is an Associated Professor PhD in General Psychology at the Department of Educational Science, University of Catania, Italy. She obtained her Master Degree in “Clinic Psychology” at Kore University (Enna). She obtained her DEA in “Social Psychology” at Ecole des Haute Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (France), and her Ph.D. in “Foundations and Methods of Training Processes” at University of Catania.
Her topics regards cognitive development and building block play in children aged 6-10; and assessment of cognitive functions in children and adults affected by rare metabolic genetic diseases and immune deficiency. In recent years, in collaboration with foreign colleagues, she is dealing with topics regarding the field of emotions (self-esteem, emotional intelligence, emotion regulation and anxiety, etc.) in children with dyslexia, moreover in teachers and adolescents. These different collaborations have been bringing articles published in international scientific journals.
Research Topic:
Flourishing, emotion regulation and wellbeing in adolescent during Covid-19 pandemic and currently: a compared study between adolescents from Sicily and adolescents from Tenerife
Host University
University of La laguna, Spain
Debapriyo is a Senior Academic at MANCOSA Durban in the area of Corporate Strategy and General Management. He has worked as an academic and researcher in Europe, Oman, and South Africa. He has an MBA from India and an MS in Research from ESADE Barcelona. Interested in pursuing a research project conforming to the qualitative paradigm, he intends to use methods such as thematic analysis, interviews, grounded theory, and other approaches necessary for his projects. In addition, he has conducted Leadership and Strategy programs for medium and large corporations in South Africa. The Mancosa student team won the Design Thinking Challenge in 2020 under his coaching. He is also a Senior Trainer for the Women in Leadership program run by Mancosa Durban.
Research Topic:
“Social Sciences and Humanities in a Post Crisis Period”
Sub theme: Retos que afectan la enseñanza virtual y el proceso de aprendizaje
Host University:
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Paola Leotta, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Dorjana Klosi is currently a lecturer of Applied Linguistics and Introduction to Linguistics, University of “Ismail Qemali”, Vlore, Albania. Her primary areas of academic teaching/research are: Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Communication Studies, Translation/Interpretation, teaching/learning methodology of foreign language, and cultural studies.
Mrs. Klosi, in 2020, participated in the post-doctoral training “Science Communication and Public Engagement Training Programme”, University of Bristol, England. In 2018, participated in the training “Introduction to Applied Linguistics and TESOL”, University of Leicester; and in the training “Introduction to Linguistics”, University of Birmingham.
In 2014, earned a Phd in Sociolinguistics, University of Tirana. In 2007 she finalized her Master’s degree in the field of Linguistics, Communication studies. Dorjana Klosi graduated as “ Teacher and translator/ interpreter of English Language”, University “Ismail Qemali” Vlorë, 2003.
She regularly publishes articles as author and co-author and participates in international conferences, seminars and training regarding Education, Linguistics, Translation and Interpretation, and English language.
Research Topic:
Media and Journalistic Translation, a Sociolinguistic Approach
Host University
University of La Laguna, Spain
Edmira Cakrani is an Assistant Professor, PhD at the Canadian Institute of Technology, Faculty of Economy, Albania. She holds a PhD degree in Economics and an MBA from the University of Tirana, as well as a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the University “Ismail Qemali” of Vlora. Edmira has about 18 years of full-time or part-time teaching experience at various universities in Albania. Her research interests include International Economics, Financial Economics, Applied Macroeconomics. She is the author of many research articles and has participated in many scientific conferences. She is also a member of various Editorial Committees, as well as a reviewer in various scientific journals.
Research Topic:
Assessment of the Real Exchange Rate after Covid-19 in Albania and its Impact on the Albanian Economy
Host University
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor(s):
Dr. Simona Monteleone, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Brian Sloboda, University of Maryland, USA
Enida Pulaj (Brakaj) is a Lecturer at the University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”, Albania. After several years of bank experience, she joined the Management group in the Business Department at University of Vlora. She has extensive teaching experience in a wide range of Management courses such as: Introduction to management, Strategic management, Strategic planning in public administration and Managerial decision making. The main teaching activity regards courses to undergraduate and MSc. students of Business Administration programs.
Currently, she holds a PhD from the University of Tirana, Albania. Her research interests include industry analysis, competitiveness and multiple criteria decision analysis. Recently, her research is focused on the integration of entrepreneurship education on pre-university curricula.
She has written several articles in national and international scientific journals and has delivered many speeches in international conferences. Actually, she is part of several projects supported from EU funds.
Research Topic:
Host University
University of La Laguna, Spain
– Dr. Fathi Shamma: Head of the education department, The Arab Academic college for Education Israel- Haifa.
– Reviewer: European Journal of Educational Research.
Journal of education, Thinking Skills and Creativity.
Areas of Specialty
– Educational Administration
– Teaching methods
– Neuro- Pedagogy
– School Climate
– Social Emotional Learning
– Technology in education
– Distance Learning
Educational Qualifications
B.A.- Middle east studies Haifa university.
M.A.- Educational Counseling – North Eastern University U.S.A.
M.A.- Leadership and administration in education- Haifa university.
PhD- Yarmouk university Jordan.
Research Topic:
Teachers Job Satisfaction during Covid-19: A Comparative Study among Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, KSA, Germany
Host University:
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Raffaella Strongoli, University of Catania, Italy
My name is Giorgia Mavica, I’m PhD Doctor in Human Science and Research Fellow in Sociology for the Horizon 2020 Project PARTIPATION ( at the Department of Education, University of Catania. My research interests focus on young public engagements in collective actions and social movements, in particular stressing on youth subjectivity and collective identity. Before taking the position of Research Fellow in the Project PARTIPATION, I worked as a Junior Fellow on several projects: “Unaccompanied and a Separated Children in their Transition to Adulthood in Italy” (lead partner ISMU Foundation, funded by UNICEF, UNHCR and IOM) and NORADICA – Inter-Religious Dialogue Against Radicalization of Youth through Innovative Learning Practices at School (KA2 Erasmus+). Since February 2018 I worked in the Erasmus+ project “Multicultural Schools. Enhancing Cultural and Linguistic Treasure of Europe through Teachers”, Department of Education Sciences, University of Catania.
Research Topic:
Young people collective experiences and contradictions in post-pandemic times
Host University
University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Dr. Josué Gutiérrez Barroso, University of La Laguna, Spain
She is an italian Research fellow for the Research & Innovation Strategy and Technology transfer Office at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
She obtained a PhD in Cultural heritage, Landscape and Territory at University Tor Vergata of Rome, Department of Humanities, Education and Society with a thesis on Social Well-being Indicators as an instrument of governance for local policies as a comparison between Italy and New Zealand case studies. She also obtained a Nessie Erasmus Mundus scholarship as a PhD Exchange student at the Economics Research Unit of Lincoln University, New Zealand. She obtained a Master of Arts degree in Economics, Public Administration and International Institution at Roma Tre University.
She worked for Academic and Research institution such as “LUISS”, Guido Carli International Social Studies University of Rome for the Departments of Economics, Management, Political Science and Finance (Education innovation and Study plans Orienteering Area); for the School of Government and the School of European Political Economy (coordination of the Master programs); for “Roma Tre” University of Rome, Department of Foreign cultures; for Fondazione Sviluppo Sostenibile, the italian institution for the sustainable development.
Research Topic:
A social well-being comparison between Italy, New Zealand and Canada: where is the real “dolce vita”?
Host University:
University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Francisco Javier Amador, University of La Laguna, Spain
I’m a Phd holder in economics and permanent lecturer in University of Yaounde (UY-2) / International Relations Institute of Cameron (IRIC) since 2008. I was part of a programme with the United Nations System in a project consisting on gender culture and human rights at the fifth programme of cooperation Cameroon-UNFPA in 2008, and consultant at ONUFemmes for a study for institutional gender audit for the development project on agricultural values and channels (PD_CVA) in 2019. Out of the seminars in my country, I followed other workshops abroad like: 3rd cycle Inter-University Programme in Economics at the Ouagadougou University (Burkina fasso), a Seminar on the Economic Coopration China-Cameroun at Pékin, a Seminar based on the African women leaders in Morocco, a Seminar in Italy based on the strengthening of the partnership between IRIC and UNIPD in July 2022. Also, I published more than 10 articles and participated in collectives books.
Research Topic:
Impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the economies of African countries
Host University:
University of La Laguna, Spain
I, Professor Dr. Sabahat Akram have rich and diversified Professional experience of more than twenty-five years. provided services in the fields of University teaching, project planning & Management, Research writing, and the training and development of human resources. I have worked in most of the key administrative positions in the University like treasurer and Director planning, currently working as Dean faculty of Social sciences and Humanities. My thirty (30) research articles have been published in national and international Journals. Most of my research publications revolve around the economic and socioeconomic environments of AJK and Pakistan. I have presented papers at conferences and attended many trainings in and outside Pakistan. And I am also a member and headed many committees at universities and other social entities.
Research Topic:
Value chain Analysis of Tourism Industry of Pakistan in post-COVID Era.
Host University:
Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, (China)
Research Advisor:
Dr. Alessandro Lampo, Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, (China)
Dr. Seray Tatli Dalioglu obtained her PhD in Educational Sciences from Anadolu University, Turkey in 2016. She specialized in teacher education and published articles about teacher identity development during her doctoral studies. She has continued her academic career as an independent researcher in Oman since 2018.
Research Topic:
Re-thinking the teacher education programs in terms of Possible Selves Theory: A qualitative study in the Post Covid Era in Oman
Host University
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Letterio Todaro Letterio, University of Catania, Italy
In 2003, he successfully graduated from Tbilisi State University the Faculty of International Business with the qualification of Economist. In 2005, he was awarded the Master’s Degree with the qualification of expert-diplomat; also has a Master’s Degree in International Marketing of Business Administration from Cardiff Metropolitan University School of Management. In 2018 was awarded the degree of „Doctor of Business Administration” from Tbilisi State university.
The subject of his scientific-research is formulation and implementation of the business strategy, CBBE, consumer behavior, WOM communication and purchase intention. Tornike Khoshtaria has a vast experience working at various universities. He has won Erasmus Mundus and Erasmus + Scholarships financed by the European Commission.
Research Topic:
Investigating factors influencing medical smart watch adoption; empirical evidence from Georgia
Yousef Methkal Abd Algani was born in Nahif, Israel, June 2, 1981. He graduated from the Department of Software Engineering, Technion in 2002, and another degree in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2008, Haifa University, Israel. In addition, he graduated with an M.Sc. in mathematics and Computer Science with a thesis in the field of Algebraic Topology, Haifa University, Israel, in 2012. Abd Algani completed his Ph.D. in Mathematics education in 2021and in 2022 a Post-Doctoral Student under the supervision of Prof. Zehavet Gross – Bar-Ilan University. He has also completed his teaching certificate, and a certificate in Measurement and Evaluation in Education from Oranim College. Abd Algani has worked as a lecturer in The Arab Academic College for Education in Israel, in the Department of Mathematics. He participated in several international conferences, and published articles in the field of mathematics and mathematical education.
Research Topic:
Host University:
University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Flavia Mammana, University of Catania, Italy
Geranda Mulla obtained the doctorate degree from the Faculty of Social Science,
University of Tirana, Albania. Her area of interest is related to sustainable
development, especially for young people.
Research Topic: Cyber psychology and digital leadership and their impact in the
learning process
Host University: University of Catania
Research Advisor: Elisabetta Sagone
Dr. Muhammad Shahid Habib is a KACIID FELLOW 2016 at Vienna, Austria. He is working as Assistant Professor and program advisor of Religious Studies/Comparative Religions Programs at Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Pakistan. His publications are more than 35 that published in national and international journals.
Dr. Habib teaches at various universities in Pakistan and presents his research papers at national and international conferences. He has himself organized conferences and seminars in Pakistani universities. He speaks Arabic, English, Persian, and Urdu. He seeks to promote peace and harmony at national and
international level through interreligious and intra-dialogue, and to serve humanity through minimizing armed conflicts among nations. He believes in the values of tolerance, pluralism, and diversity.
His major Interest Areas: are Major World Religions, Islamic Studies, Muslim-Christian Theology of Interfaith Dialogue, Peace & Conflict Management, Arabic (Linguistic & Literature), Islamic Word-view & Civilization, Quranic & Hadith Sciences, Islamic Philosophy.
Research Topic:
Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All through IRD in Pakistan
Host University:
University of La Laguna, Spain
Dr. Voyloshnikova’s research is focused on international environmental governance.
Research Topic
International environmental governance innovations through EU-China relations
Host University
University of La Laguna
Research Advisor
Prof. Alberto Ardèvol-Abreu
Education | |
2021 |
Doctor of Science title in Literature with the dissertation “Elements of the poetics of short prose of the ’80s – the influence of the poetics of fairy tales“, from Tirana University.
1995 – 1999 |
Doctoral studies in: “Literary Studies”, Literature Department, University of Tirana
SHPU at the Department of Literature, University of Tirana.
Higher studies(Bachelor and Master of Science) at the “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University in Elbasan, Faculty of Humanities, branch: Albanian Language-Literature |
Title of qualification achieved
Master teacher, evaluation “Very good” for the subjects Albanian Language, Literature AML, 2021 Qualified teacher, evaluation “Very good”, for the subjects Albanian Language, Literature AML, 2011 Specialist teacher, evaluation “Very good”, for the subjects Albanian Language, Literature AML, 2006
PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS (Publications, references, articles)
2002 2002
4-5 June 2014
16 December 2014
20 May 2017
20-21 December 2021
5 June 2021
24-25 June 2021
2 July 2021
May-August 2021
July-December 2021
5-6 November 2021 20212021
Theoretical brochure, Albanian language 1, to help students of pedagogical high school, 2002.
Albanian Language 2, Theoretical material to help the 2nd grades of pedagogical and foreign language high schools, Silver Publishing House.
Language and reading methodology, theoretical-practical booklet for pedagogical high school students.
Graduates come to essays, publication to help graduates, collaborating with Basnik Rama, Ministry of Education and Science, Tirana 2012 ISBN 978-9928-04-083-1
Choreography and dance, the dimension of this art in human society, Prof. Ass.Artan F. Ibërshimi, language editor, Rama Graf 2012.
The libretto of contemporary dance “IDENTITY”, in collaboration with the Municipality of Elbasan.
Participant in the International Scientific Conference “Arbëresh Literature and Culture”, Jeronim de Rada on the 200th anniversary of his birth, “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University with the paper “Jeronim de Rada in the historiography of Albanian literature”.
Participant in the Scientific Conference “Return to De Rada’s poetry”, Jeronm de Rada on the 200th anniversary of his birth, University of History and Philology, University of Tirana and the National Library of Albania, Doctoral School “Literary Studies” with the paper “Jeronim de Rada in textbooks in Albania in the years 1961-1964.
Participant in the first national conference “Challenges of Pre-University Education and psycho-social services in school”, “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University, “Albanian Psychologists” association and Elbasan Regional Education Directorate with the presentation “School management and student achievements”.
Participation at the International Conference “Experience and Challenges in The Formation of Student’s Professional Competences Through Practice in School” with the paper: “Teaching practice of the teacher and school’s challenges”, “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University, Faculty of Education Science.
Participant in the V Conference of Archiving “Innovation of preservation of archival documents in ASHVE”, co-author with Dr. Florenca Stafa and MSC Ergyseda Shpataraku.
Participation on the International Conference “Globalisation and Integration in Contemporary Education”, “School placed psychological services”, “Aleksandêr Xhuvani” University, Elbasan.
“Long transition in Albania as a consequence of a communist heritage system ”, Florenca Stafa & Dhurata Lamçja, Academic Journal of business, Administration, Low and Social Sciences, IIPCCL publishing, Graz-Austria, Vol.7 No.2, July, 2021. ISSN 2410-3918, access online at
“Cultural Balkanism: Ivo Andriç and Niko Kazanzaqis Vis-À-Vis with Kadare”, European Journal of Science Education and Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, ISSN 2411-9563 (Print), ISSN 2312-8429 (Online), access online at
“The poetry and Prose, as well as the impact of Communist Ideology in the Albanian Literature of ’80”, European Journal of Language and Literature Studies, Volume 7, Issue 2, ISSN 2411-9598 (Print), ISSN 2411-4103 ( online), access online at
Korçë, Albania, participation on International Interdisciplinary Conference “Education and Culture in Contemporary Society”, Annual Conference of School Leadership (CSL_AADF), “Student self-assessment and its impact on learning outcomes”, Dhurata Lamçja & Klodiana Leka & Teuta Tana
Vlora, Albania, participation on Sixth International Conference on Linguistics, Teaching Practices, Translation and Cultural Horizons, “New Challenges to Linguistics, Teaching practices, Translation and Cultural Horizons”, “The impact of communism on literature and process of ’80”, Dhurata Lamçja & Ana Çano.
Research Topic:
The active learning on the research through writing development. Post-
pandemic academic reality.
Host University:
University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor /
Dr. Ehsaneh Nejad Mohammad Nameghi has a Ph.D. of Marketing Management from National University of Malaysia (UKM) 2013. She is an Assistant Professor in Faculty of management and economics in IAU (Science and Research Branch) IRAN. Her area of study is tourism marketing; services marketing; consumer behavior.
She has published in several indexed journals such as Journal of air transport management (web of science); International journal of marketing studies (Proquest indexed); ، Journal of travel and tourism marketing (web of Science); Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (web of science). She also contributes in research publications as reviewer; editorial board and executive manager. She is recognized as an excellent reviewer and academic mentor by web of science Publons website. She has consulted several academic thesis as a supervisory committee as well as incorporating as referee in thesis defenses.
She also has consulted organizations and companies from marketing perspective while has been an advisory board of research institutes; urban organizations and hospitality industry actors from tourism marketing perspective.
Some of her academic achievements are as follows:
Research Topic
Research on Tourism and Hospitality Discipline in Post Crisis Period
Host University
University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor
Dr. Francisco Flores Muñoz, University of La Laguna, Spain
Florin is an assistant professor at the University for Business and Technology (UBT) in Prishtina, Kosovo. He currently teaches financial markets, research methodology, and public finance at UBT. Completed his master’s studies in the field of financial management at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. However, Ph.D. at Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic in valuation of publicly listed companies on Visegrád Stock Exchanges. His areas of interest are firm valuation, portfolio diversification, and stock price changes.
Research Topic:
Measuring market efficiency through valuation techniques: Evidence from Eastern European countries
Host University:
AMBIS University, Prague Czech Republic
Research Advisor: /
Dr. Eda A. Genc is a cultural professional and a researcher. Her academic research is interdisciplinary in nature and is centered around the production and consumption of culture, cross-cultural policy analysis, implications and challenges of sustainability in the creative sector, and practices of democratic cultural participation.
She obtained her MA in Marketing Communications from the University of Westminster and her Ph.D. in Sociology from Manchester Metropolitan University.
Research Topic:
Rethinking Sustainable Cultural Production and Management in the Digital Age: The Case of Art Biennials
Host University:
University of Catania
Research Advisor: NA
Dr. Jorge Cea Rodríguez holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Science and Humanities (with honors) from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. He obtained a Master’s degree on Human Resource Management and the PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology (Cum Laude) at the University of Seville (Spain). Deputy Director of the Institute of Administration of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of the Universidad Austral of Chile. He has made postdoctoral stays at the University of Seville, Spain, at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal, and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
The conflict between parties is inherent to the dynamics of organizations. A way to solve conflicts where negotiation has failed is to rely on the intervention of third parties. As researcher, he aims to understand the process of negotiation with third parties. He has developed research projects and scientific publications in matters of workplace mediation and conflict resolution.
Research Topic: Workplace mediation and conflict resolution
Host University: University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor: Dr. Manuel González de la Rosa, University of La Laguna, Spain
Katerina Toshevska-Trpchevska was born in Skopje in 1979. Since 2003 she has been employed at the Faculty of Economics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia. Since 2018 she has been elected as Associate Professor on Multilateral Trading System, International Trade Transactions and Multilateral Trade Regulation. Here main field of interests are different aspects of international trade, activities of the World Trade Organization and especially the field of trade facilitation.
During her university career she has published more than fifty papers, participated in more than hundred domestic and international conferences, seminars and workshops and done four study visits abroad: at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany, at Porto Accounting and Business School – ISCAP of the Instituto Politecnico do Porto in Porto, Portugal, at the George Washington University in Washington, USA; and at the Faculty of Economics on the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
Research Topic: International Trade in COVID-19 Pandemic Conditions
Host University: Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, China
Research Advisor: Dr. Weng Chi (Florence) Lei, Saint Joseph University (USJ), Macao, China
2021 – MINHR search, “Mediterranea” University, Department of Law, Economics and Humanities, International Post-Doctoral program “New Technologies and Law”;
2003-2018 – Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Law, Civil Procedures, PhD, thesis “Third parties in civil procedures”;
2014 – World Notariat University, UINL, 3rd edition, Rome, Italy;
1998 – 2003, TSU, Faculty of Law, Master Degree;
1998 – 2003, TSU, Faculty of Economics, Master Degree;
2022 Associate Professor, Caucasus University, Caucasus International University;
2020 Associate Professor, Alte University, Guram Tavartkiladze University;
2019 Assistant Professor, Georgian National University.
2013 – Lawyer, Notary Chamber of Georgia;
2007-2013, JSC “TBC Bank”, Head of Credit Administration;
2005 –2007, Central Election Commission of Georgia, Principal Legal Specialist;
2002 – 2005, The Supreme Court of Georgia, Department of Common Courts, legal Specialist;
2019 – Mediator, Edwards Mediation Academy (USA), Georgian association of mediators (Georgia);
2007 – member of the Bar Association, Lawyer in civil, criminal and children´s rights.
Author of monographs: Comparative Civil Procedure, Notary Law, Third parties in civil procedures.
Articles: AI in Law, ADR, Defense of vulnerable persons, Surrogacy, Marriage contract etc.
Research Topic – Social Role of Civil Procedure;
Host University – University of Economics and Human Sciences (VIZJA), Warsaw, Poland;
Research Advisor – Prof. Małgorzata Szwejkowska, Ph.D. from University of Economics and Human Sciences (VIZJA), Warsaw, Poland;
Dr. Rashid is a finance & accounting professional having 12+ years of teaching, research, and industry experience with strong skills in credit analysis, bank lending, risk management, financial performance, and academic program management. He obtained his PhD in Finance & Banking from the Northern University of Malaysia – UUM (AASCB, AMBA, EFMD, EQUIS Accredited). Dr. Rashid is also a Certified Associate of Chartered Bankers Institute (ACIB), UK. Among other professional associations he belongs to research memberships of American Finance Association (AFA), American Economic Association (AEA) and British Association of Accounting & Finance (BAFA). Dr. Rashid has completed Post Graduate Certificate in International Higher Education & Academic Practices (PG Cert-HEAP) from Coventry University, UK as well as awarded Senior Fellow Member of Higher Education Academy, Advance HE (SFHEA), UK. Recently, Dr. Rashid has nominated for Visiting Faculty Development Exchange Program by The University of Wolverhampton, UK. He has awarded Senior Associateship of Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance (CIIF), Malaysia and Associate in Banking from Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP).
Dr. Rashid is active in interdisciplinary research projects under The Research Council Oman (TRC) ranging from International Finance, Islamic Finance & Banking, Shariah Governance, SMEs and Entrepreneurial Financing, Corporate Governance, Firm’s Performance and T&L in Higher Education. He has published several articles in ESCI, Scopus indexed and peer reviewed renowned journals globally. Dr. Rashid has served in Pakistan, Qatar, Malaysia and Oman on various diversified industry and academic positions, such as Banking Management Associate, Regional Credit Documentation Officer, Senior Research Fellow Islamic Finance and Senior Lecturer. Currently, he is serving as faculty of Accounting & Finance and Academic Program Manager at Middle East College in Muscat, Oman a partnership campus of Coventry University UK.
Research Topic: Covid-19 and Current Business Challenges in Middle East Region: Pre & Post-Crisis Analysis
Host University: University of Catania Italy
Research Advisor: /
Dr. Shazia Hasan is working as a professor and head department of Psychology, University of Central Punjab Lahore in Pakistan. She completed her PhD from Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi in 2002. She has vast experience of teaching, research, administration and clinical practice (Psycho diagnosis and Psychotherapy). She served Institute of Clinical psychology for five years, teaching and supervising at postgraduate level. She supervised PhD students during her service and worked as a consultant clinical psychologist. She worked at COMSATS university of Information Technology for four years before joining UCP. She was the first Head of the Department ‘Humanities’ at Lahore Campus and Chairperson of Humanities to represent CIIT overall. She has many national and international research publications. She presented her work at national and international conferences. Her major areas of research are clinical disorders (risk factors, symptoms and treatment)
Research Topic:
Psychological experiences during Covid 19 in world regions: Role of metacognition and coping styles
Host University: University of Catania
Research Advisor /
Umran Y. Nalbantoglu finished her Ph.D. studies in Educational Science at the Ege University in Turkey. Her main areas of research are teachers’ curriculum use and adaptation, curriculum adaptation patterns, teacher professional development, teacher change, and learning analysis. Moreover, she has been focusing on designing blended and flipped teacher professional development programs. Having a published book chapter, and six national and international published academic works. Dr. Nalbantoglu still works as a freelance consultant for teachers’ professional development and she continues her academic studies in Germany.
Research Topic: Understanding teachers’ curriculum use from a cross-cultural perspective during the pandemic: A Case Study in Spanish and Turkish Contexts
Host University: University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor: Prof. Carlos Efren Mora, University of La Laguna, Spain
Chrysoula Kapartziani is a lawyer engaged in specialized legal issues regarding, energy, environment and AI. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology of Law from the School of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She currently works as a researcher on the project “Genetically Modified Organisms: Regulatory&Socioeconomic Aspects” (, hosted by the Harokopio University, and funded by HFRI Greece. She also holds a M.Sc. degree from the Medical School of Athens in the field of «Environment and Health. Capacity building for decision making». She participates in a number of International & European conferences and workshops. Furthermore, she has a number of scientific article publications. She currently gives lectures in Methodology of Research & Bioethics, as well as in Environmental Sociology. She is also a storyteller and a co–founder, researcher and co-curator of the ‘dress and the Law’ research project (
Research topic: Towards a green metaverse era. How can experiences during the covid -19 pandemic trigger law and environmental related transformations as well as green data input
Host University: University of Lalaguna
Research Advisor: Carlos Efrén Mora, Associate Professor (Department of Industrial Engineering, Area of Electrical Engineering)
Ph.D. in Teacher Education and ICT in Education at Extremadura University (Spain). M.A in Philosophy & M.A. in Educational Technology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Bachelor in Philosophy and Pedagogy at El Salvador University (Argentina). Jorge Balladares currently works at “Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar” in (Quito, Ecuador). His research interest: ICT for Education, Educational Technology, E-learning, B-learning, Digital Ethics, Social Philosophy.
Research Topic:
” Estudio de las interacciones en la enseñanza virtual y el aprendizaje digital a través del modelo de Comunidad de Indagación: estudio de caso de universidad en Ecuador”.
Host University: University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Dr. David Prez Jorge, University of La Laguna, Spain
Andrej Semenov is an assistant lecturer at the University of Pristina (Kosovska Mitrovica). He received his PhD from Charles University. During doctoral studies, he was a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford and Sorbonne 1. His main research interest is the EU involvement in the Western Balkans.
Research Topic:
” Enlargement in smaller steps: Can the mini-Schengen be a remedy to EU enlargement fatigue?”.
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisors:
Dr. Iveta Reinholde, University of Latvia, Latvia
Cenay Babaoğlu graduated from Hacettepe University, department of Political Science and Public Administration. He completed his graduate studies at the same university, at the Institute of Social Sciences, Program of Political Science and Public Administration and worked as research assistant at the same department between 2009-2015. During this period, he had academic visits to Bremen University/Germany for one year, to Berlin/Germany for four months and to Skopje/ Macedonia for six months. After receiving his PhD in 2015, he began his career at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. In 2017, he has been appointed as assistant professor at the Department of Public Administration at Ömer Halisdemir University. Between 2019 – 2021, he worked at Selcuk University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration as associate professor. Since 2021 September he is working at Ömer Halisdemir University as associate professor.
Babaoğlu was the editor of the Journal of Legislation between 2016-2017, and he is the Editor of Journal of Public Administration and Policy and assistant editor of the Journal of Public Administration and Technology. The author has ten books, many book chapters and articles on public policy practices, civic engagement, and public administration and technology. During his academic life, he took part in fifteen projects supported by different institutions and organizations, such as the United Nations, the World Bank, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies of Turkey, and Turkish Science Council. H
Research topic: “ COVID-19 Pandemic’s Effects on Digital Government: The Case of Italy“.
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Enkelejda Cenaj, “Aleksander Moisiu” University, Albania
Dr. Enkelejda Cenaj is a lecturer of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Education at “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durres, Albania. During her years of lecturing she has covered courses of Sociology, Sociology of Education, Sociological Thought, etc. She holds the degree “Doctor of Sociology” granted by Tirana University, Faculty of Social Sciences and is an active member of the Albanian Institute of Sociology. She has authored or co-authored many publications in peer reviewed journals and participated in scientific international conferences. Her publication topics focus mainly on issues related to education, youth, gender, culture, etc.
She is honored to be part of the ESI Fellows and complete the Postdoctoral Training “Social Sciences and Humanities in a Post-crisis period” 2021/22.
Research Topic: Living under the pandemic restrictions, youth challenges and dilemmas for the future (The case of students attending university studies).
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Julio Benítez Telles is a cabinet maker with postgraduate studies at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and the Universidad del País Vasco in the fields of conservation and cultural studies.
As a full-time Assistant Professor at the Conservation and Museum studies Career, Dr. Benítez Telles, highlights his responsibilities as Research Mentor of 16 undergraduate students, Teacher of six specialization courses, and Head of Research of the same career.
During his academic life, he became Academic Coordinator, Director of the Conservation and Museum studies Career, and later Vice Dean of the Faculty of Communication, Arts and Humanities. In such positions, he co-organized international symposiums, boost research activities and scientific publications, and led the redesign of the Conservation career.
Since 2011 Dr. Julio Benítez Telles taught and gave academic services to academic institutions, standing out those delivered to Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial, and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador.
From his academic activities, Julio Benítez Telles underlines the articles about Didactical experiences with heritage photography, the relationship between environmental conditions and degradation of oil paintings exposed in open corridors, Evaluation of wood consolidation by means of its fundamental frequency, Wood-joints used to build baroque altarpieces in Quito.
At different moments, Dr. Benítez Telles received research grants and scholarships from the European Union (Alban Program), Instituto Tecnológico del Mueble y Afines, ICCROM, American Institute for Conservation, and Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional. And the Ecuadorian Army gave him an honor diploma in recognition of his collaboration for the enhancement of the Centro de Estudios Históricos del Ejército.
Nowadays Dr. Julio Benítez Telles is a Member of the LASMAC International Scientific Committee, and a private consultant of academic projects. His current interest in research is the institutionalization process of the conservation science and profession, and their perspectives in scenarios of crisis.
Research Topic:
” Trayectoria y perspectivas de la conservación del patrimonio cultural en escenarios de crisis y
transición: el proceso de institucionalización social y política del oficio, la técnica y la ciencia de la restauración. ”
Host University: University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Dr Paul Kwame Butakor is a Senior lecturer at the Department of Teacher Education, School of Education and Leadership, University of Ghana. Prior to his lectureship appointment at the University of Ghana, Dr. Butakor worked as a research assistant for statistical analyses in Big Data Learning Analytics at the Athabasca University, Canada. While studying for his PhD, he worked as a graduate teaching and research assistant at the University of Alberta, Canada for three years. Dr. Butakor also worked as a statistics and research methodology consultant at the centre for research in applied measurement and evaluation (CRAME) at the University of Alberta, where he consulted with both faculty and graduate students on areas such as research design and methodology, psychometric analyses, program evaluation, and appropriate data analyses techniques. Before studying for his PhD, Dr. Butakor worked as a principal test development officer and later as an assistant test development secretary at the national board for professional and technician examinations (NABPTEX) from 2006 to 2012.
He holds a Ph.D. (Measurement, Evaluation and Cognition) from the University of Alberta, Canada, MSc. Educational Sciences from the University of Groningen, Netherlands; MSc Applied Statistics from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology; and a Bachelor of Education (Mathematics and Statistics) from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. His research interests include educational measurement, assessment and evaluation, statistical methods in education and psychology, mathematics education, teacher education/professional development, and learning analytics.
He has rich experience in education and curriculum development, implementation and evaluation gathered from his over two decades of professional teaching and research across various levels of Ghana’s educational system. He has served on various national technical committees. He is a member of the team of experts that developed the new 4-year Bachelor of Education programme for Colleges of Education and Teacher Education universities in Ghana and part of the pedagogy team developing courses and Professional Development manuals for tutors in Colleges of Education to facilitate the implementation of the curriculum. He is also a member of the Technical Working Group that developed the portfolio assessment guide for in-service teachers in Ghana, portfolio assessment framework and framework for assessing student teachers online learning during this COVID-19 pandemic. He was a member of the National Implementation Support Team (NIST) set up by the National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE) in Ghana to monitor the implementation of the Bachelor of Education programme implemented by the 46 Colleges of Education and 5 public teacher education universities in Ghana.
Research Topic:
Using learning analytics (educational data mining) techniques to address challenges associated with assessing students during virtual teaching and learning.
Host University: Universidad de Almeria, España
Research Advisor:
Prof. Dr. Syed Mir Muhammad Shah received his early education from District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh. Dr. Shah started his career as an Adjunct Faculty at IBA Karachi and Karachi University. Dr. Shah joined Sukkur IBA in 1995 as a faculty member. He has been rendering his services at Sukkur IBA University for the past 25 years.
Dr. Shah earned his Master of Science in Management Sciences from SZABIST Karachi in 2003. He acquired his Doctorate degree in 2017 in the field of Management Sciences. Dr. Shah holds a significant profile in research with more than 40 Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications in various leading Research Journals along with five Research Reports and Article publications.
Prof. Shah has served on various administrative positions at Sukkur IBA University. Dr. Shah has served as Head of Department, Business Administration Department, Provost Hostels, Member of Academic Council, Member of Syndicate, Member of Strategic Management Committee, Member Master Trainer Gender Based Governance System- UNDP Project, and Supervisor for MS and PhD thesis to name a few. On many occasions, Dr. Shah has also served as Interim Vice Chancellor of Sukkur IBA University.
Dr. Shah has visited and developed collaborations with international institutions of Malaysia, Singapore, Iran, South Korea, China, Qatar and UAE for research and development of Sukkur IBA University.
Before his appointment as a Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Shah had been working as Professor at the Department of Business Administration and Director, International Accreditations at Sukkur IBA University. Looking at the untiring efforts of Dr. Shah, for the expansion of Sukkur IBA University, late Prof. Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui (SI) awarded a recognition shield to Dr. Shah in the silver jubilee ceremony of Sukkur IBA University held in January 2020.
Research Topic:
” Post-pandemic challenges of online education adoption among university students in Pakistan.”
Host University: Universidad de Almeria, España
Research Advisors:
Dr. Juan Antonio Almagro , University of Almeria
Dr. Rut Jiménez Liso, University of Almeria
Dr. Miodraga Stefanovska – Petkovska, MBA, PhD, is a researcher and medical sociologist at the Institute of environmental health (ISAMB), Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon. She is also a Full Professor in Medical Sociology and Organizational Behavior at the School of Political Science and Psychology, University American College Skopje. She graduated on the topic of individual and economic determinants of retirement and was awarded a honorary Masters in business administration on her research on wellbeing among ageing workforce. Part of her doctoral studies were at Staffordshire University, United Kingdom as a scholar of the Open Society Institute on the topic of economic trust and cooperation among religious and ethnic minorities. She obtained a doctoral degree in social sciences and gender issues at the on the topic of Discrimination and disparities in health care. Dr. Stefanovska-Petkovska has been awarded a certificate in Statistics for health research from Oxford University. Her academic research is focused on the area of medial sociology more specifically discrimination and disparities in health, health promotion among most-at-risk populations, and cultural origins of trust. She has co-authored books and academic articles domestically and internationally. She has been a mentor/co-mentor of over 20 master theses. She is has also been an NGO activist for more than 15 years in the field of HIV/AIDS/STI prevention and education with special focus on most-at-risk groups. She has participated, designed and coordinated numerous national and international projects on this issue.
Research Topic:
Building Post-Pandemic Health Equity: The Role of Culture, Ethnicity, Religion and Trust
Host University: “G. d’Annunzio” University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Research Advisor:
Prof. Andrea Lombardinilo, “G. d’Annunzio” University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Histoire Sociale-Monde Contemporain
École Normale Supérieure d’Abidjan/Section: Espagnol
Membre de Asociación de Historia Contemporánea (AHC)
Membre de Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (ASELE).
Research Topic:
“ La mujer en la Segunda República Española; de la República de los trabajadores a las trabajadoras de la República“.
Host University: Universidad de Almeria, España
Research Advisor:
Dr. Dorothy Ebere Adimora is a Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow, in Educational Psychology, Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka where she teaches 17 courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Educational Psychology. Ebere was the Director of the University Advancement Centre, Vice Chancellor’s Office, University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 2018-2019. She was a member of University Senate Ceremonials Committee, 2016-2019. Has successfully supervised 16 postgraduate students, has authored 47 scholarly articles in national and international reputable journals and attended many national and international conferences. She is also a reviewer and member of editorial board in national and international reputable journals. She has experience in quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, She is experienced in professional training of counsellors and psychologists. Her research interests particularly focus on students’ learning outcome, teachers’ job satisfaction, students with learning disability, gender issues, social related issues in academic milieu. She is the Founding/Executive Director of Moremi Psycho-Socio-Economic Foundation (MOPSEF), a non-governmental, non-profit organization duly registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (Reg. No. CAC/IT/NO 153808). MOPSEF is saddled with the responsibilities of human rights protection, access to education, economic, social and political empowerment, psychological intervention, and maximization of potentials for a better emotional state, mental health, psychological well-being, socio-economic growth and sustainable livelihood for the children, adolescents/youths, girls, women, those with disability and the underprivileged.
Ebere is a member of Teacher’s Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), Nigeria Council of Educational Psychologists (NCEP) and Chartered Institute of Educational Practitioners (MCIEP).
Research Topic:
“ Remediation for Effects of Domestic Violence on Psychological Well-being among Women and Girls During COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria and Spain“.
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisors:
Dr. Favio Farinella is a Lawyer graduated from the National University of Mar del Plata (1989); Doctor of Law, with mention summa cum laude (UNMdP); Bachelor of Sciences in Politics and International Relations (London School of Economics, London University); Specialist in International Law (Leiden University, Holland); Specialist in International Human Rights Law (Strasbourg, France); Master in Environmental Management of Urban Development (UNMdP); Master in Professional Education UNESCO (UNESCO Center, San Sebastián and Paris); Master in Legal and Economic Aspects of New Technologies (UNMdP).
He has completed specializations and postgraduate degrees in International Criminal Law (Leiden University); Human Rights (Institut International des Droits de l’homme, Strasbourg, France); Intellectual Property (Seoul, South Korea, directed by Dr. Hugo Caminos); Business Law (Cambridge University, UK); International Environmental Law and International Relations (University of Leiden and TMC Asser Institute, The Hague, Holland; Organization of American States, Getulio Vargas Foundation, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
He is Professor of undergraduate, graduate and doctorate degrees. He is a senior Professor of Public International law at the National University of Mar del Plata
He is Director of Seminars 1 and 2 on International Human Rights Law at the UNMDP Law School.
He is a former fellow of the Marie Curie Research Group (The Hague, Holland) funded by the European Union.
He was the first Latin American Scholar who participate in the ERASMUS MUNDUS Human Rights Practice, as Guest Scholar, to study and teach courses at Roehampton University (London, UK), Gotemburg University (Sweden) and Tromso (Norway).
Since 2021, he acts as Coordinator and Representative of the National University of Mar del Plata in the Academic Cooperation Network of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, based on the international selection of projects made by the Commission in 2020.
Research Topic:
“Lideresas sociales y comedores barriales de emergencia como instituciones de transición para la pospandemia argentina”.
Host University: University of Almeria, Spain
Research Advisors:
Educational Qualifications: I did my Ph.D. in Economics in February 2011, from the department of Economics University of Karachi, Master in Economics in 1990, and Graduation in Economics in 1988, from Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh-Pakistan.
Professional Experience: I did serve in Education Department Government of Sindh as Assistant Professor of Economics, Deputy Director Planning and Development and Senior Program Manager at The World Bank (WB) (Sindh Education Reform Program).
Presently my services are placed as Director Public Private Partnership (Node) Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh Karachi, Pakistan supported by the USAID& Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Areas of Specialty : My (30) research papers are published in international journals mostly focused on Agriculture Economics, Economic Growth, Development Planning, Education Sector Challenges, and Public Policy Issues.
Research topic: “Agricultural Practices in Pakistan: Sustainability and Food Security in Post-Pandemic Era”.
Host University: Universidad de Almeria, España
Research Advisor:
My formal education in economics and management I gained from the University of Banja Luka from Bosnia and Herzegovina with PhD diploma in Economic Sciences, major: management. After defending my doctoral dissertation, I was teaching management courses at the European University Brcko District from February 2017 until January 2020 on an adjunct time basis. I was also engaged as an Adjunct Professor for Project Management for the course Project Management in the Service Sector under the Graduate Program provided by the RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) Dubai University implemented within the 2019 Spring Semester. From January 2020, I have been engaged as Assistant Professor at the Al Ghurair University in Dubai on a full-time basis. My research activities and interests include project and operations management, supply chains, sustainable development and good governance. I am a member of the Editorial Board of Science Journal of Business and Management (SJBM) and Scientific Committee for the REDETE scientific conference. I am currently engaged by the Al Ghurair University Dubai as an assistant Professor
During my professional career, I performed several responsible job positions related to international cooperation. In this regard, I participated in different projects funded by international donors, especially by the European Union, World Bank, EBRD, GIZ. Knowledge and expertise in the field of European integration and project management was very important for my engagement in previous positions related to the process of European integration of my home-country, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I also took part in preparation of several strategic documents important for overall socio-economic development of my country, including strategy papers in the field of socio-economic development and public administration reform. My skills of project management I have successfully transferred not only through my regular job duties, but also through numerous training sessions and workshops in which I participated as a lecturer or a trainer. I hold relevant certificates in project and operations management, including PMP – Project Management Professional, ECQA EU Project Manager obtained from the European Certification and Qualification Association, Six Sigma, as well as UNDP Trainer for Sustainable development goals.
Research Topic:
Host University: Universidad de Almeria, España
Research Advisor:
Dr. Iulia-Cristina Muresan, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania
Julijana Papazova finished her PhD studies in musicology at the Institute of Art Studies-Bulgarian Academy of Science in Sofia. Her main areas of research are: popular music studies, alternative rock in Central and Southeast Europe. Papazova was awarded with scholarships from Visegrad fund and SAIA for her postdoctoral research stay at the Comenius University in Bratislava. Her papers are published for: Routledge, Studia Musicologica-MTA, Budapest, Peter Lang-Frankfurt am Main, Journal of Creative Communications-SAGE, Rowman&Littlefield-Maryland, IASPM@Journal, Hollitzer-Vienna, Bulgarian Musicology-Sofia, Arti Musices-Zagreb, Hudební věda-Prague, etc. She continuously participate at international conferences: Oxford University; University of Strasbourg; Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw; University of Porto; Charles University, Prague; Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, etc.
Research Topic:
“From live to digital and vice versa – Alternative rock music scene at the Balkans during the pandemic period of COVID-19”.
Host University: “G. d’Annunzio” University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Research Advisors:
Dr. Jacques De Vos Malan, University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Giorgio Pagannone, Department of Arts and Social Sciences
“G. d’Annunzio” University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy.
Dr. Manotar Tampubolon
Faculty of Law, Christian University of Indonesia
Cell: +6281210725234
Email: [email protected]
Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo No. 2
Jakarta 13630
D.Phil candidate, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
(On going)
2013-2017 Doctor of Law (Dr)
Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Disertation: The Nature of Freedom of Religion and Belief, Law and Legal Practice (Study of Christian Minority in Indonesia in the period 2007-2014).
2015 Diploma in Human Rights
Adam Mickiewiecz University (AMU), Poznan, Poland.
2016 Certificate in Globalization and Human Rights
Rijk Universiteit van Groningen, The Netherlands
2015 Master of Law (M.H)
Christian University of Indonesia
Thesis Title: Violation of the right to freedom of religion in Indonesia: Testing the Role of the State in the Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief.
1996-1997 M.A in International Relations
University of Wollongong, Australia
1987-1991 LL.B (Hons) Constitutional Law
Nommensen Christian University, Medan, Indonesia
Thesis Title: The Role of District Head in The Implementation of General Government Functions in Siempat Nempu District, North Sumatra Province.
Research Topic:
” Exploring Human Rights Violations in Post of New Era in Indonesia”.
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Paul Joseph Greene, St. Catherine University
Omona Andrew David-PhD is a Senior Lecturer and Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences at Uganda Christian University. He also serves as the National Coordinator for Religious Leaders’ Justice and Peace Network, a Researcher, Transitional Justice Fellow, and a Trainer of Trainers in Peace-building and Conflict Resolution in the East and Greater Horn of Africa. He holds a PhD in Political Studies/International Relations and Diplomacy, MA International Relations and Diplomacy, MA Theology, BA with Education, and several specialized Diplomas and Certificates.
The extensive research he has done on conflicts in Africa, the Great Lakes Region and Uganda in particular, places him to understand the dynamics of conflicts and peace at the global level. His current research interest is in Transitional Justice, Peace building and conflict resolution, and Ethics. He has done collaborative research with people from across the world and still looks forward to getting researchers to collaborate with in his areas of expertise.
Research Topic:
The efficacy of Peacebuilding from below in healing Uganda’s wounded history
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Vebina Resuli is a PhD lecturer at Mediterranean University of Albania. She defended her PhD 2015-2019 UGSM Monarch Business School Switzerland Doctor of Philosophy in Education Management. She has a Bsc in Business Administration at University of New York in Tirana 2003-2008. She has an MSc and International Marketing and a Master in MSc of Education.
During 2013-2016 Lecturer at University ‘‘Aleksander Moisiu’’Durres in subjects Introduction to Science of Education, Technology of Education, Research methods in Business and Social Science.
In 2016-2021 Lecturers at Mediterranean University in Management, e-Business, Research methods in Business, Organizational Behavior.
She collaborated in many national and international projects as a Trainer in
Research Topic:
” Covid-19 the effect on human management and work digitalization”
Host University: University of La Laguna, Spain
Research Advisor:
Dr. Manuel González de la Rosa, University of La Laguna, Spain
2011 – 2017 |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Faculty of Psychology and Educational SciencesPhD in Education Sciences |
Doctor |
1998 – 2002
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Department of Law Lawyer with the specialization in Jurisprudence |
1997 – 1998
Georgian Technical University
Public Administration College of TACIS |
Certificate of Completion |
1988 – 1993 | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Department of Philology Philologist with the specialization in Georgian language and Literature |
· Czech Republic, Prague; 6th International Scientific Conference in Social Sciences; The report “The main aspects of the Georgian government’s policy, in the process of introduction of inclusive vocational education” was presented
· Greece, Athen – Athens Institute of Education and Research, he second Annual International Symposium organized by the Writers’ Association of Masters and Scientists on theme “Higher Education in the Global World” Topic “Some Aspects of Vocational Education, in the Education Policy of Georgia” was presented.; ; · 26-27/04 2019 Milan, Italy, International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (ICESS) · 5 – 6/11/2015 – The first international scientific conference in “Tourism and Vocational Education in 21 century” Tbilisi – Theme: 1. National Centralized Examinations in Georgia as an Equity Mechanism in Vocational Education; 2. Teacher Training possess in Georgia – Problems and Challenges. · 22 – 25/10/2015 TPDC (Teacher professional Development Centre) – The Actual Topics of Education Management, Tskaltubo – Theme: “Vocational Education in Georgian Education System”. · 29 – 30/11/2006 – OSCE (Special Service Agreement); Speaker for the joint OSCE/ABA-CEELI Conference- “Fighting Corruption in Higher Education”. |
Honours and awards | · 2013/14 Awarded grant for PHD research in Shota Rustaveli Foundation, Tbilisi, Georgia.
· 2014 – Medalist of Iv. Javakhishvili, Tbilisi State University for winning grand project |
Research Topic:
” The Role of the local Market Involvement in the Planning and Implementation of the Higher education polices”
Host University: Daugavpils University, Latvia
Research Advisor:
Dr. Vera Boronenko, Daugavpils University, Latvia
Dr. Seval Ozbalci has voluntarily worked as a trainer, supervisor and project leader in projects supported by the public and non-governmental organizations, both in her professional life at the university. She managed the Web Team of Celal Bayar University between 2002 and 2012. She has been focused on digitalization, information systems, quality and accessibility in her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral studies, which she has carried out independently from her administrative duties at Computer Research and Application Center in this context. After completing entrepreneurship training in the US she has started project development studies related to disadvantaged groups and targeted measuring the economic accessibility for people with special needs. Having two published books, seven book chapters and nearly fifty national and international published academic works, Dr. Seval Ozbalci still works and teaches at Manisa Celal Bayar University.
Research Topic:
“Addressing Equity with the Perspective of Social Mobility”.
Host University: University of La Laguna Spain
Research Advisor:
Twenty years in the industry (leadership positions) and Eight years in academia (teaching , research & executive education)
Focus areas: Corporate sustainability & Innovation, Project Management, Product Development, Leading & Managing, Training & Development |
2013 -2020 | PhD (Sustainability & Governance), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems, Behavioural Management & Social Sciences, University of Twente, Netherlands
(Thesis on Strategic CSR & Corporate Sustainability) |
2017 – 2018 | PhD Industrial & Systems Engineering, King’s International University, Kingdom of Tonga, Oceania, South Pacific under Tonga National Qualifications & Accreditation Board (Thesis on Systems Requirements Engineering & Systems Design) |
2015–2016 | Master´s Degree in Engineering (Environmental Technology), Lahti University of Applied Sciences (LAMK), Finland 85.71%
Major course: Systems Thinking & Sustainability |
2011–2012 | Systems Engineering Management Programme; UCL Centre for Systems Engineering, University College London (Full time) |
2008–2011 | Doctoral Research Scholar in Technology Management at Birla Institute of Technology- India (All But Defence) |
2007 | ITM-BIT Collaborative Research Programme in Technology Management (Pre-PhD Level); Birla Institute of Technology- India; 67% |
2004–2005 | One-year Postgraduate Programme in International Business (IBP);
Indian Institute of Management -Calcutta; A grade overall Theme- Doing Business in Foreign Markets with immersion in China |
2000–2001 | Diploma in Training & Development (Postgraduate Level);
Indian Society for Training and Development, New Delhi; 66% |
1994–1996 | Master of Business Administration;
Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi; 71.40% |
1982–1985 | BSc (Physics); University of Kerala, Trivandrum; 62.5% |
Certifications | Certificate in Battery Technology (21 courses) from GS Yuasa Academy, U.K
Certificate courses on Life Cycle Initiative from UN Environmental Programme: Introduction to Life Cycle Thinking, Life Cycle Thinking in Policy Making, and Life Cycle Thinking in Business Decision Making E-learning certificate course from The World Bank Group: Smart city, Greenhouse Gas Accounting Tool for Sustainable Land Management, 5G and Emerging Technologies for Public Service Delivery and Digital Economy Operations Railway Financing 2020 Medical Technology Summer School from FHWN, Austria Design and Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Off-Grid and On-grid from National Institute of Wind Energy, India Design, Installation & Maintenance of Small Wind Turbine from National Institute of Wind Energy, India 2016 Intensive Course on International Geoparks with focus on Sustainability & Geological values by the Aegean University, GGN & Lesvos Petrified Forests, Greece Project Management Programme from PM Study & PMI Training on SAP ERP & CRM from Tespa Technologies, Chennai Total Quality Management Training Programme, Product Management Management Development programmes from the industry |
Research Topic:
“A comparative study of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment and its influence on Circular Economy in manufacturing industries among developed (Europe), developing (India) and least developed (Ethiopia) nations during the post crisis period”
Host University: University of Catania, Italy
Research Advisor:
Dr. Rasool Bukhsh Mirjat, born in the year 1978, joined Sindh Judicial Service in the year 2006, subsequently become part of Islamabad Judicial Service and presently serving as Senior Civil Judge-I (Admin) & Magistrate-Sec-30 Cr. P.c, in federal Capital of Pakistan. Awarded Ph.D. (Law), by the University of Karachi in the year, 2019, on the research topic “The Issue Of Non-Enforcement of Human Rights And Rise Of Terrorism In Pakistan”., The area of interest are human rights, constitution, and reading judgments of the apex courts on Civil, Criminal and Constitutional laws. Also interested in the application of modern techniques and tools in the dispensation of justice in Pakistan with minimum use of papers by connecting the stakeholders of the justice sector electronically. Able to write up on different topics for the continuation of the dispensation of justice (I) Issue of Non-Enforcement of Human Rights And the Rise of Terrorism in Pakistan (Published by Pakistan Journal of Criminology, a ‘Y’ category HEC recognized journal. (ii) Senior Civil Judge: A Liaison between District Judiciary and Executive (Published in Federal Judicial Academy Bulletin) (ii), Senior Civil Judge A Bridge between the District & Session Judge and Supportive Staff” (Published in Federal Judicial Academy Bulletin) (iv) Establishing e-courts and e-filing in COVID-19 Scenario” (Published in Dailytimes. (v) Judicial Training and COVID-19” (Published in Dailytimes), (vi) Decision of Papers in the Wake of COVID-19 (Published in Daily Times) (vii) Post-Lockdown Case Management in Courts (Published in Daily Times). He is honored to pursue the Post. Doctoral research programme on the topic of “The importance of Minority Rights in the wave of Terrorism in Pakistan” from the University of Almira Spain and aspires to learn new research techniques over to issues of minority rights from the laureates become part of this session by esteemed organisation ESI.
Research Topic:
“The Importance of Minority Rights in the Wave of Terrorism in Pakistan”
Host University: University of Almeria, Spain
Research Advisor:
Enriko Ceko was born in 29th September 1965, in Tirana, Albania. He has graduated the Agronomy Faculty and Economy Faculty (Agriculture University of Tirana 1989 and 1996), Faculty of Law (University of Tirana 2002). He has graduated MBA the Tirana University, Faculty of Economy and Nebrasca Lincoln University, a common MNA project (2002). He holds a PhD diploma in Management (Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana 2005). He has about 31 years working experience and about the same experience lecturing, specialized with about 45 training courses (Albania, USA, UK, Israel, Germany, Austria), etc. He is Head of Economics and Management Department, at University College “Qiriazi”, lecturer at University College “Wisdom”, Senator of World Business Angels and Investments Forum and Lecturer at WBAF Business School, Global Entrepreneurship Department, Humanitarian Ambassador of International Peace Association for Albanian Nation, President of Conservative Academy, Executive Director of Albanian Center for Sustainable Development, Executive Director of Albanian Center for Waste Recycling. He is the author of around 5000 articles and over 35 scientific journal articles, participating in more than 70 international scientific conferences, author of “Total Quality Management” Book, “Quality Management Tools” Monographs, “100 years of economic, trade and business relations between UK and Albania” book, “Managing Agribusiness Firms” book, “Managing Hotel & Tourism” book, “Academic writing” book, “Business and Administrative communication” book, “Small theatre, big theatre” book, etc. His work focuses on lecturing (mainly economics and managerial disciplines), public and private organizations consultancy, ISO Standards included, heading several NGO’s, as well as participating in civic society activities, etc.
Research Topic:
“On relations between Creativity, Innovation and Quality Management Culture as a respond to Crisis and Post-Crisis Period.”
Research Advisor:
Dr. Brian Sloboda, University of Maryland, USA
Dr. Almudena Guarnido, University of Almeria, Spain
Dr. Ignacio Amate, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Anca Tamaş is associate teacher, PhD at The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Faculty of International Business and Economics, Romania. She defended her PhD thesis on 28th. October 2016 at the mentioned faculty. Since the second year of PhD studies until present she taught some seminars at The Faculty of International Business and Economics: International Organizations, International Trade, Trade Policy etc. Her main research interests are the country of origin effect and the gravity model. Since 2017 she is member at the INACO NGO (Initiative for Competitiveness), where she collaborated in many national and international projects.
Research Topic:
The determinants of the COVID-19 pandemic transmission.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Okyay Ucan, Omer Halisdemir University, Turkey
Dr. Antonio Llorents de la Cruz, University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University: University of La Laguna
Dastan is a multidisciplinary researcher with numerous years’ experience in international research and collaborations. He focuses on the Sociology of Environment & Energy, Rural & Regional policy, and climate change. He has experience big data visualization and analysis, Non-market resource valuations, deforestation and climate change in Africa, Energy problems in Africa, and EU regional policy.
Moreover, Dastan possesses vast work experience from teaching at University across the globe, consultancy, as well as working with Non-Governmental organization in Uganda, Africa.
Research Topic:
,,Addressing the Urban Nexus Energy needs as an alternative for wood fuel for conserving Tropical rainforests: A case study of Energy needs in Kampala slums”.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Janaka Jayawickrama, University of York, United Kingdom
Dr. Ramón Casillas Ruiz, University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University: University of La Laguna
Her experience includes 3 years teaching to university students about deontology in domains such as Social Work, Sociology and Human Resources, 2 years in the NGO social field and 2 years working in the education business domain. Her research interests include human resources analysis, experiential knowledge within international environments, volunteering, social constructionism, non-formal and informal education, multiculturalism, interpersonal communication, and social work.
Research Topic:
„The effects of recruiting process tools used in the Human Resources domain, in a post-pandemic period”.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Pedro Antonio Diaz Funez, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Eda Ustaoglu has PhD in Planning and Environmental Policy from the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College Dublin, and till 2015 she worked at the European Commission Joint Research Centre-Ispra as a scientific officer. Her PhD research is related to the economic evaluation of transportation infrastructure investments in relation to alternative forms of urban development within the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), Ireland. Between 2017-2020, Eda hold a post-doc position at the Department of Geomatics Engineering at Gebze Technical University, Kocaeli, Turkey. Her research project focused on developing a methodology for the land use modeling applications in the selected areas in Istanbul. Over the past ten years, she has been involved in various projects, university studies and research activities in line with her graduate and post-graduate studies, which are directly related to the field of urban and environment studies. Most recently, Eda was enrolled as a post-doc researcher at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Koc University, Istanbul. Her research interests include urban and environmental economics, transportation planning and policy, transportation infrastructure appraisal, spatial economics, and land-use science.
Research Topic:
„Assessing Urbanization Quality in European Regions and Cities”.
Research Advisor:
Gloria Ortega López, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Social Worker (University of La Frontera), Master in Social Sciences (University of Los Lagos), PHD of Political Science (FLACSO MÉXICO). Director of the Institute of Administration of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Director of Center for Regional Studies of the Universidad Austral of Chile. Previously since 2001 he was a research professor at the Center for Regional Studies at the Universidad of Los Lagos, Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development and for Research and Postgraduate Studies in the same house of studies. He has made postdoctoral stays at the International University of Florida, Miami, at the Institute of Public Administration and Community Services and the Institute of Government and Public Policies of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the PHD in Social Sciences of the University Bolivariana Pontificia of Medellin. He has developed research projects and scientific publications in matters of Citizen Participation, Decentralization and Regional Development. He has published several scientific articles in scientific journals of the social sciences. In 2020 he published his book entitled “Centralism and Decentralization in Chile. Past, present and future proposals”. By RIL Editores.
Egon Montecinos, Trabajador Social, Magister en Ciencias Sociales, Doctor en Ciencia Política. Director del Instituto de Administración de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas y Director del Centro de Estudios Regionales de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Anteriormente desde el año2001 fue profesor investigador del Centro de Estudios Regionales de la Universidad de Los Lagos, vicerrector de planificación y desarrollo y de investigación y postgrado en la misma casa de estudios. Ha realizado estancias posdoctorales en la Universidad Internacional de Florida, Miami, en el Instituto de Administración Pública y Servicios comunitarios y en el Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y en el Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín. Ha realizado proyectos de investigación y publicaciones científicas en materias de Participación Ciudadana, Descentralización y Desarrollo Regional.
Research Topic:
,,Análisis comparado de la gobernanza de políticas públicas ante el COVID 19: Aprendizajes y desafíos de la coordinación multinivel para el futuro. ¿Hacia una nueva idea de gobernanza glo-cal para el desarrollo territorial?”.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Louis Valentin Mballa, Universidad autónoma de San Luis Potosí – México
Dr. Manuel Sánchez Pérez, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Dr Eirini Artemi is Greek. She has bachelors on Theology and Classical Philology (Ancient Greek and Latin) from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has master and doctorate on Theology, and especially on History of Dogma, Patristic and Symbolic Theology from the same University. She has post- doctorate on ancient Greek and byzantine philosophy from the University of Patras. Since 2014, she teaches as adjunct professor in the postgraduate program of Theology in the Hellenic Open University and she is the supervisor of many master theses. Since 2013, she teaches as professor Biblical Koine Language through the biblical texts in the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has taken part in many International Conferences as speaker and her articles and papers are published in scholar peer reviewed journal in all over the world.
Research Topic:
Ethics, law and Christian teaching about homosexuality, prostitution and adultery in the Byzantine Empire and in the teaching of Church Fathers.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Javier Campos Daroca, University of Almeria, Spain
Dr. Lucia Romero, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Doctor en Educación con experiencia clínica 28 años y 10 en Gestión Administrativa en institución de salud del sector público. 20 años de experiencia Docente, Profesor de Tiempo Completo, con Perfil PRODEP, Integrante del Núcleo Básico de la Maestría en Enfermería de la Facultad de Enfermería y Nutriología y de la Maestría en Formación Biomédica de la Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias Biomédicas en de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Integrante del Cuerpo Académico “102” Educación, Enfermería y Salud, con la línea de investigación de Enfermería y Educación, pertenezco a la Red Nacional de Salud y Educación y Evaluadora COMACE. ORCID https://0002-7571-7570.
Con direcciones de tesis de Licenciatura, y maestría y algunos artículos publicados entre los que se encuentran: Las tecnologías del Aprendizaje y del Conocimiento (TAC) y la Formación integral y Humanista del médico 2019, Opinión de Empleadores Sobre los Egresados de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH),2018. Enseñanza-Aprendizaje en la Estancia Clínica Percepción Desde los Estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería, 2018. Experiencia en la aplicación del proceso enfermero por el personal de enfermería en una unidad asistencial de segundo nivel Chih, México.,2017- Proceso Educativo de Enfermería para Promover el Autocuidado de la Mujer durante el Puerperio.2016 Cuidado familiar comunitario, percepciones de la enfermera e indígenas rarámuris.2016. Modelo innovador para el desarrollo de Competencias específicas del Personal de Enfermería en Neonatología.2016 Factores de éxito de egresados de institución de educación superior: programa Nivelatorio de Licenciatura, Profesionalización de Enfermería y Desempeño desde la Óptica del Jefe Inmediato.
Research Topic:
“Deserción de estudiantes universitarios al migrar de la modalidad presencial a la virtual durante el confinamiento”.
Research Advisor:
Dr. María del Carmen Rodríguez Jiménez
University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University: University of La Laguna
Técnica Nacional en Recreación por el Instituto de Tiempo Libre y Recreación del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (ISTLyR); Lic. en Sociología; Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (área Antropología) y Posdoctora en Ciencias Sociales por la misma universidad. Investigadora independiente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) con lugar de trabajo en el Instituto de Antropología (ICA) desde donde desarrolla diversas investigaciones/intervenciones en Políticas Públicas, Gestión y Género(s)/Feminismo(s) en el campo de la Cultura. Integrante de la Subsecretaría de Políticas de Género de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (FSOC-UBA). Profesora Regular en la Carrera de Trabajo Social (FSOC), donde dirige diversos proyectos de investigación. Asimismo, es docente de distintos posgrados en la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-Área Comunicación y Cultura-Sede Argentina); la maestría de Comunicación y Cultura (FSOC-UBA); y en la maestría en Cultura Pública de la Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA). Ha dictado cursos de grado, maestría y doctorado en distintas universidades de América Latina y se desarrolló como asesora y formadora en Gestión Cultural para la Dirección Nacional de Formación Cultural del Ministerio de Cultura (2013-2019).
Research Topic:
,,La transversalización de géneros/(trans)feminismo en el estudio del campo“.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Elena Jaime De Pablos, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Un currículum vitae corto.
Dr. Niva Golan-Nadir earned her B.A. and M.A. in Political Science and Diplomacy from Tel-Aviv University. She received her Ph.D. in Government from the school of Political Science at the University of Haifa, Israel, where she further completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the division of Public Administration and Policy. She is currently a teaching faculty at the IDC Herzliya and the Open University of Israel. Her research interests include: Comparative politics (with special interest in Israel and Turkey), street-level bureaucracy, state-religion relations and Israel studies. Her recent articles were published in The American Review of Public Administration and The International Review of Administrative Sciences. Her upcoming book comparing gaps between public preferences and institutional designs in Israel and Turkey is forthcoming in Palgrave Macmillan.
Research Topic:
Sustaining Alternatives to Unpopular State Policies in a Post Crisis Period – The Case of Israeli Religious Policies
Research Advisor:
Dr. Iveta Reinholde, University of Latvia, Latvia
Dr. Francisco Gil Martinez, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Doctora en Ciencias de Enfermería. Experiencia clínica de 27 años en institución de salud pública y 22 años de experiencia docente, Profesor de tiempo completo, con Perfil PRODEP, Integrante del Núcleo Básico de la Maestría en Enfermería de la Facultad de Enfermería y Nutriología y de la Maestría en Formación Biomédica de la Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias Biomédicas en de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Responsable del Cuerpo Académico “102” Educación, Enfermería y Salud, con la línea de investigación de Enfermería y Educación, como CA integradas a la Red Nacional de Salud y Educación.
Research Topic:
,,Impacto de la tutoría de estudiantes universitarios de la División de Salud en tiempos de pandemia”
Research Advisor:
Dr. Zuleica Ruiz Alfonso, University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University: University of La Laguna
Un currículum vitae corto.
Sıla Turaç Baykara is faculty member of international relations department of Izmir Demokrasi Üniversity. Assist. Prof. Dr. Baykara, has bachelor degree from Izmir University of Economics in Turkey, master’s degree from Lund University in Sweden and Ph.D. from Yeditepe University in Turkey. Assist. Prof. Dr. Baykara teaches Turkish foreign policy, international relations theory, international politicsand comparative foreign policy analysis. Her research interests are international politics, EU’s foreign policy, energy politics and regional studies.
Research Topic: The transformation of China’s soft power strategy into smart power in the Mediterranean Region
Research Advisor:
Dr. Dejan Marolov, University Goce Delcev, Macedonia
Dr. Fernando Barragán Medero, University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University: University of La Laguna
Un currículum vitae corto.
Areas of Speciality
Educational Qualifications
Celal Bayar University, Institute of Social Sciences, Accounting and Finance Program, Manisa, Turkey
Title of Master’s Thesis: Risk Management Evolutions at TurkDEX “Basel II Standards and Case Studies”
Celal Bayar University, Institute of Social Sciences, Business Administration Program, Manisa, Turkey
Title of Doctoral Thesis: Credit Risk Management in Turkish Banking Sector and Credit Risk Modelling Within the New Regulations
Research Topic: ,,The Causal Relationship Between Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Stock Indices: A Case Study For EU Countries”.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Monika Bolek, University of Lodz, Poland.
Dr. Juan Evangelista Trinidad Segovia, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Teacher at Periféricas. School of alternative feminisms and Psique Academy, Spain.
PhD from the University of Salamanca (2018) with a thesis about women’s old age in ancient Rome. Teacher in courses on Gender History and Scientific Communication in the Humanities. My research focuses on three main topics: gender, old age, and disabilities in ancient Rome.
Research Topic:
,,Functional Dependence and Domestic Technologies of Care in Imperial Rome (I-III centuries AD)”.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Josué Gutierrez Barroso, University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University: University of La Laguna
Un currículum vitae corto.
Currently working as a Regional Manager at Higherlife Foundation with 11 years of working experience in Southern and East Africa. Thematic areas of experience include education, Health, Disaster relief and preparedness as well as smallholder farming. I obtained a Doctor of philosophy in Development studies at the University of South Africa on thesis titled “Effects of conservation farming in Zimbabwe: The case of umguza district in the post 2000 land reform programme’. I participate as a reviewer in the africanus Journal of Development Studies. My list of publications embrace scientific papers in the areas of education and smallholder farming.
Research Topic: ,,Loss of learning and the technological divide in Zimbabwe: a case of Matabeleland North Province Zimbabwe”.
Research Advisor:
Dr. M Rut Jiménez Liso, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Un currículum vitae corto.
Dr. Aurela Saliaj (Dean of the Faculty of Health) is an Associate Professor at Health Care Department at University of Vlora, ‘Ismail Qemali’, Albania.
She is graduated (1998) as a physician in General Medicine, at Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Tirana. She has completed the postgraduate study as a resident in Paediatrics (2000-2004), an Executive Master degree in Paediatrics (2005-2006), and Ph.D. in Paediatric Department (2010-2015) in University Hospital Center QSUT ‘Mother Thereza’ Tirana. Her Ph.D. thesis was on “Psychomotor development among preschoolers in Vlora region”. She was awarded with the academic title Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health at the Medical University of Tirana in 2016.
Since 2004, she is a lecturer of courses of Pediatrics and Research Methodology in Health at the University of Vlora. As the Dean of the Faculty of Health since 2011, Dr. Aurela Saliaj has an important education and experience in high institution’s managing and social work as well.
Asoc.Prof. Aurela Saliaj is interested in fields of research: Education, Pediatrics and Public Health. Her present research focuses on searching for the impact of hospitalization on children psychomotor and socio-emotional development.
Research Topic:
,,The challenges of online education in a pandemic environment”.
Research Advisor:
Dr. Elena Hunt, Laurentian University, Canada
Dr. Magdalena Pilar Andrés, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University:
University of Almeria
Un currículum vitae corto.
2020-1: Post-doctorate and research fellow, Dan David institute at the Tel-Aviv University.
2017-8: Post-doctorate and research fellow, Truman Institute for the Promotion of Peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In the framework of my post-doctoral work, I wrote a book on the position and experiences of women in the Islamic Movement in Israel.
10.5.2016: PhD, Islamic and Middle Eastern studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Dissertation: From Leadership to Empowerment: Women in the Islamic Movement in Israel (1980-2013). Supervisors: Dr. Mohammed Al-Atuna and Dr. Nimrod Horowitz of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
2005-2009: MA studies, “Contemporary Middle East” program, research track, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Magna cum Laude). Thesis: Childhood in Conflict: Representing conflicts in Palestinian children’s literature in the West Bank between the years 2000-1987. Mentors: Prof. Eli Poda, head of the Department for Middle East Studies of the Hebrew University, and Dr. Yael Dar, Faculty of Literature at Tel Aviv University.
1999-2004: BA. Communication, journalism, and education. Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Research Topic: ,,Time for Others: Patterns of action and religious interpretation among female religious activists in Israel”
Research Advisor:
Dr. Paula E. Faulkner, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, USA
Dr. Fernando Barragán Medero, University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University:
University of La Laguna
Un currículum vitae corto.
Highly motivated and hands-on multicultural senior attorney with over 20 years of cumulative experience in multinational businesses including intellectual property, mergers & acquisitions, commercial, labour and union bargaining issues, regulatory, compliance and corporate governance in the US, Europe, Far East and Latin America. Certified in Compliance and member of various Ethics and Compliance Committees.
Research Topic: ,,The evolution of traditional and 21st century new human rights in Latin America”
Research Advisor: Dr. Juan Sebastián Fernández Prados, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Un currículum vitae corto.
I was awarded Ph. D in law by the University of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. I am serving as Assistant Sessions Judge, Sujawal (Thatta) Sindh, Pakistan. I am also a Resource Person at Sindh Judicial Academy, Karachi, Pakistan. My research interests are criminal law and law of evidence (Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984) and my research work has mostly focused on these aspects of the criminal justice system of Pakistan. My published articles address topics including “Credibility of DNA evidence in Criminal Justice System” (published as S B L R 2017 Article 07) and “Importance of procedural law in dispensation of justice” (published in Federal Judicial Academy bulletin Oct-Dec 2011 and was awarded first position by the then Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan). More broadly, I am interested in all aspects of criminal law, including issues relating to criminal procedure and sentencing. I am also interested in law of evidence, including the issues relating to procedure of production and appreciation of the evidence, acquired through modern devices and more importantly, reduction of delay in criminal trials. The topic of my research in the Ph. D thesis was “Credibility of evidence through modern devices for eradication of crime and terrorism”. I also did a one year “Correspondence Course in Islamic Law (Elementary)” from Shari’ah Academy, International Islamic University, Islamabad. Moreover, I have also had opportunities to participate in several other seminars/workshops/courses, relating to various aspects of criminal justice system of Pakistan.
Research Topic: Reformation of Criminal Justice System of Pakistan
Research Advisor:
Dr. Ana Teresa Afonso Barrera, University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
Un currículum vitae corto.
PhD in Management Studies (2019) from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Sao Paulo, with a period as Guest Doctoral Researcher (2017) at the University of Mannheim, Germany through the sandwich research grant by CAPES; Master’s Degree at Business Administration (2009) from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie; Specialist at Applied Consumer Sciences (2013) and MBA in Marketing (2005) from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing; Specialist in International Trade (1997) from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado; Bachelor Degree at Language and Literature (English, German, Portuguese) from Universidade de São Paulo (1995-1999). 25 years experience as executive in national and multinational companies in the areas of international trade, business development, and strategic marketing. Professor for undergraduate management courses at Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza (FATEC, ETEC) In the last three years. In 2019 delivered lectures for graduate specialization courses at Universidade São Judas. In 2020, was a lecturer for the MBA courses at FUNDACE, an institution associated to FEA (University of São Paulo, campus of Ribeirão Preto).
Research Topic:
Research Advisor:
Dr. Martin Gomez-Ullate, University of Extremadura, Spain
Dr. Ángeles Arjona, University of Almeria, Spain
Host University: University of Almeria
FORMACION ACADEMICA: Licenciada en Enfermería, Maestra en Enfermería y Doctora en Administración por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua.
EXPERIENCIA LABORAL: Adscrita a la unidad de cuidados intensivos, desde Enero del 2010 hasta Agosto del 2018, actualmente supervisora de Enfermería en el Hospital General Dr. Salvador Zubirán Anchondo
Profesor de asignatura de la Facultad de Enfermería y Nutriología desde Enero del 2012 a la fecha, con participación como directora de tesis de pregrado, participación como ponente en 3 congresos y múltiples cursos.
Autora y coautora en diversos artículos científicos en revista indexadas.
Premio a la Excelencia en la practica de Enfermería 2020 por Sigma, Global Nursing Excellence
Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel Candidato
Research Topic:
Desafíos De La Gestión Del Cuidado De Enfermería En La Pos Pandemia
Research Advisor:
Dr. David Perez Jorge, University of La Laguna, Spain
Host University: University of La Laguna, Spain
Dr. Aurela Saliaj, Albania | ||
Dr. Raymond Arthur Chipfakacha, Zimbabwe |
Dr. Paul Kwame Butakor | ||
Dr. Syed Mir Muhammad Shah | ||
Dr. Tamar Kakutia |
Dr. Shazia Hasan | ||
Dr. Umran Yazıcılar |
Dr. Dhurata Lamcja |
Dr. Debapriyo Nag | ||
Dr. Seray Tatli Dalioglu | ||
Dr. Fathi Shamma | ||
Dr. Yousef Methkal Abd Algani | ||
Dr. Muhammad Shahid Habib |
Dr. Enriko Ceko, Albnia | |
Dr. Anca Tamas, Romania | |
Dr. Delia Rusu, Romania. | |
Dr. Volkan Dayan, Turkey |
Dr. Vebina Resuli | |
Dr. Seval ÖZBALCI | |
Dr. Ilija Stojanovic |
Dr. Ehsaneh Nejad Mohammad Nameghi | |
Dr. Rashid Khalil | |
Dr. Florin Aliu | |
Dr. Jorge Cea Rodríguez |
Dr. Edmira Cakrani | |
Dr. Sabahat Akram | |
Dr. Enida Pulaj | |
Dr. Olga Marthe Mbang |
The role of the state as a main actor in the international relations continues from the antique to the modern times. Despite some new trends imposed by globalization, the sovereign states are keeping the main role in the system. The COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed that the state is still the main actor regardless of the globalization and the numerous international governmental and nongovernmental international organizations. However, the pandemic opened dilemmas and challenges for the diplomatic relations. We can now speak about vaccination diplomacy – a term that has not been known before. All of the states today are struggling in dealing with the pandemic challenges altogether with the traditional diplomatic issues, politics, and economy. The state as a supreme institutional organization had to deal with the pandemic and impose some restrictions that are not always so popular between its own citizens. Additionally, the institutional capacities of a concrete country are not always sufficient and the necessity of international organizations and leadership is visible. This working group will discuss these issues and a topic for joint research will be selected.
Dr. Eyal Lewin, Ariel University, Israel
Dr.Emilia Alaverdov, Georgian Technical University, Georgia
Dr. Francisco Flores, University of La Laguna
WG Members:
Dr. Eirini Artemi, Greece | |
Dr. Salwa Alinat-Abed, Israel | |
Dr. Dana Kaplan, Israel |
Dr. Julijana Zhabeva | |
Dr. Manotar Tampubolon | |
Dr. Dorothy Ebere Adimora | |
Dr. Miodraga Stefanovska – Petkovska |
Dr. Dastan Bamwesigye, Uganda | |
Dr. Sara Casamayor Mancisidor, Spain | |
Dr. Eda Ustaoglu, Turkey |
Dr. Satish Kumar Damodar | |
Dr. Hamzo Khan Tagar | |
Dr. Enkelejda Cenaj |
Dr. Chrysoula Kapartziani | |
Dr. Eda A. Genc | |
Dr. Nino Kharitonashvili |
This interdisciplinary group is composed of academic experts in different fields such as pedagogy, feminism, and politics. It will hold meetings in Spanish language and will try to find joint interest in a specific topic setting the approach through interdisciplinary lances. This topic will be analyzed in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges it brings to our contemporary modern society with the accent of the Ibero-American countries. Also, it will combine the different academic models when conducting research and will make the most out of the different but, at the same time, very similar academic domains.
Dr. David Perez Jorge, University of La Laguna, Spain
Dr. Marcela A. País Andrade, Argentina | |
Dr. Karla Judith Ruiz González, Mexico | |
Dr. Norma Pizarro,Mexico | |
Dr. Eliazar Gonzalez Carrillo, Mexico | |
Dr. Egon Elier Montecinos, Chile |
ESI Program: October 2021 – December 2022
Dr. Eva Mateo, ULL, Spain
Dr. Julio E. Benitez Telles | |
Dr. Seibo Alexise KOUAKOU IKOSSIÉ | |
Dr. Favio Farinella | |
ESI Program: October 2022 – December 2023
Dr. Claudia Milena Adler, University of York, UK
Dr. Tornike Khoshtaria | |
Dr. Assoman Serge Alain KOUAKOU | |
Dr. Cinzia Recca | |
ESI Program: October 2022 – December 2023
Dr. Baghli Asmaa | |
Dr. Marta Donolo | |
Dr. Concetta Pirrone | |
Dr. Sadia Malik | |
Dr. Geranda Mulla |