On References and Citations
During the past years, I have had the opportunity to review and edit a good number of manuscripts, all of which reported excellent researches. However,
During the past years, I have had the opportunity to review and edit a good number of manuscripts, all of which reported excellent researches. However,
Getting back to work after a vacation can be challenging, but with some planning and a positive mindset, you can transition smoothly. Most of us
People perceive heat through the sense of touch and temperature receptors located in the skin. The perception of heat is a result of how these
The news coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 populated Western media with images of stockpiling. Images of empty shopping isles circulated on social
One of the concepts that will indissolubly remain linked to this long, exhausting fight against COVID-19 is “social distancing”. This is the idea that, being
This July 2022, the European Scientific Institute, next to its several peer reviewed journals, among which is one of the largest interdisciplinary journals in Europe
The 10 th Mediterranean Interdisciplinary Forum on Social Sciences and Humanities is over, and by now, all of us who attended are back at home
I am writing this book review of Michael Alley’s The Craft of Scientific Writing[1] (Springer) to alert readers of the ESI Blog of this excellent
During these past years, I have had the honor to serve as a Specialty Chief Editor for the Humanities section of the European Scientific Journal
COVID-19 has now been around for a little over a year, and over the past few months, vaccines have been rolling out. There are several
According to Webster’s Dictionary the definition of conspiracy theory is “a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a